i find that the over all cost to dive here is quite high considering that it is mexico. i may be wrong, but i was told the u.s. dollar is very strong against the peso this year. i would have thought that the pricing would reflect this. does it not make sense that if you were getting 13 pesos for every dollar last year but are getting 17 or 18 this year (was told it was as high as 20 recently) wouldnt the shops be adjusting prices to be more competitive ?
I know. Several years ago when the Peso was so strong that there was talk of changing to 9:1 against the USD, subsequent talk about possible needs of raising prices was quick to follow. Now that the Ops, hotels, restaurants, etc. are raking in twice as many Pesos, it would see that they could give us a break, huh?
First, I don't think any of them are gaining instant riches. Times may be better than before, but in the big picture - it's still very competitive. Many of these businesses are giving more for the money, and/or charging less; you just have to shop for the best deals. They're going to charge as much as possible, that's natural, but competition keeps them in check.
Two, as some of them have explained, many of their expenses are in USD, so their costs went up with the devalue of the Peso. Well, some anyway. I'm sure business is rewarding or we wouldn't see the constant growths we do we in all of the tourists business and population migrations from the mainland - but some still suffer and some still go under.
It's Cozumel, relatively easy to get to, very enjoyable, and business is always going to be brisk.
the 15 or 16 % tax is also something that seems crazy to me.
Well, short of offering a course on the Mexican government, patrone culture, and the majority religion - it's Mexico. Their federal government created Cancun from a coconut plantation 40 years ago to attract gringos, and this was so successful that it spread down the coast and across the channel. The government too is going to get as much as possible.
Pick what you like, leave the rest.