Bringing steel tanks

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I'm in a unique situation. I absolutely love the small dive operator that I've stayed with and used for the last 15 years. Unfortunately they only offer aluminum 80s with nitrox or 100s without. My constant dive buddy's have medallion status with delta so we get two checked bags free. I have two lp85's and one of my buddies is considering a hp120 purchase. We want to transport our large tanks and fill them at the main station. My first question is will the main fill station fill a lp85 to 3000 psi or will I get a short fill? The second is would they fill a hp 120? We need nitrox so what do they need in Cozumel to fill nitrox (vip oxygen clean ect.).
I think the best answers to these questions would be from the fill station themselves, Meriando 87. Per thier web sight they can be contacted by email at:
From reading other threads I believe they do HP fills but it is an good idea to let them cool and check to see if they need topped off.
I'm in a unique situation. I absolutely love the small dive operator that I've stayed with and used for the last 15 years. Unfortunately they only offer aluminum 80s with nitrox or 100s without. My constant dive buddy's have medallion status with delta so we get two checked bags free. I have two lp85's and one of my buddies is considering a hp120 purchase. We want to transport our large tanks and fill them at the main station. My first question is will the main fill station fill a lp85 to 3000 psi or will I get a short fill? The second is would they fill a hp 120? We need nitrox so what do they need in Cozumel to fill nitrox (vip oxygen clean ect.).

You could also ask your dive op directly - ask them if they will have your tanks filled for you. I have some clients who have brought their own tanks down and store them here - we always have them filled for them.
In regards to the fill station on 30th. Do they fill lp85 to 3000 and what do they need to fill nitrox?

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In regards to the fill station on 30th. Do they fill lp85 to 3000 and what do they need to fill nitrox?

I've been to the Meriando 87 a couple of times. I had a brand new shiny yellow pony and they still wanted to look inside. And even then air only, not nitrox because they didn't know the shop that certified it O2 clean (yes i know they pump blended not PP). And 3000psi if you want to wait for it? Not on a hot fill with no cool down.

Please remember that Cozumel is not the United States. Things like stateside VIP's, O2 clean certs and even hydro markings might be alot tougher to be accepted by them if they don't personally know you. Most likely, they have never heard of your local US dive shop and wouldn't trust their VIP sticker. Might as well print your own off the computer. Cozumel operates on a person to person basis and if they have never seen you before, it's a steep hill to climb. They also don't want to go behind their dive shop operators and go direct (It's also not even a savings to the diver since I got a much higher walk in price).

Also for me, it makes a big difference what time you show up at Meriando 87. If it's 1st thing in the morning or the early afternoon, no one will talk to you because they are slammed getting tanks out. Since I was just getting a pony filled, I eventually solved my problem by bringing my own transfill whip and special ordered an extra air tank to be on the 1st day boat and 2 of us used it to fill up most of the pony then cascaded and topped off from our main dive tanks. Working through the operator was easier.

Christi is absolutely right. Use your dive operator who has an almost daily interaction with the fill station and trusts her people, and your tank will get filled correctly. Been there, done that. {2 really old picts }




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That's good info. So basically if you bring a tank from the states you are not going to get a nitrox fill? Even if you have your op bring the tank in. And they won't fill lp 85 to 3000?

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Living Underwater has LP tanks and gets them (both nitrox and air) at Meriando. No problem. They used to have them over-filled until someone complained on Undercurrent. So now it's just a standard fill. But it can be done. But how well you will be communicating all of this in Spanish is another matter. You may want your dive op to help you out here. BTW, will your op's boat be able to fit LP tanks into their tank slots on the boat? That's another thing to think about...
Ahh that's right the damn lp is slightly bigger enough to be annoying.

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Yeah, if they are just bungeed to the side of the boat somewhere you should be OK although depending on the boat design, it could be a PITA getting them up over the side of the boat for a backroll as they are heavy SOBs.

Ahh that's right the damn lp is slightly bigger enough to be annoying.

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There are four bungee spots in the back so it should be okay. Now I just need to find out if I can still get overfilled. I'm surprised the undercurrent had enough pull to change behavior at a foreign fill station. Maybe they should focus on CO instead.

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