Disappointing group trip to Bonaire

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Predive meeting included the group agenda. Potluck was initially scheduled on Friday at poolside to bring chips,dips,side dishes, and group leader was providing the meat. Island tour was also mentioned for Friday to off gas. Email was sent out of week prior our trip of the agenda. One truck was being rented the day of arrival since 6 people arrived at 2pm and additional 2 trucks were being rented the following days. I mentioned that I wanted to reached my 200 dives on this trip. I worked every hard before my trip to Bonaire to get as closed to my goal as possible. I needed 25 dives, 4 dives short!
First day, we went to the local grocery store in town and than hang out at the pool. I noticed a Hertz rent a car office in our hotel. I was in the assumption that one leader was going to rent the truck after we cool off by the pool and got settled.
2nd Day, we did our orientation and check-out dives and was scheduled for an afternoon boat dives at 2 pm after lunch. After the boat dives, everyone hustled to get off the boat to get to the rental car before it closes. I didnt go since I was not a driver. I message the group leader if they were still at the car rental and message him again if anyone is doing a twilight and a night dive. I finally ran into them at 7pm carrying groceries. I approached the leader and asked if they r planning to do a night dive. He said, yes, but after they make dinner. I went outside of my room and checked on the dock to see if anyone is out there, I went out 3x and finally gave up and went to bed at 10:15pm.
3rd day, I noticed they posted pictures of the night dives and picture of them having lunch when they got the rental car and groceries. If I had known, I would have went w them. At the dock that morning, i mentioned to the group leader if we can set a time to meet for a twilight and night dive.I did a 3 tanks boat dives that day and the group leader cancelled our twilight/night dive. So I join a couple that only wanted to do a dive at 7pm.
4th day, I did a 3 tank boat dives and a shore dive at our house reef that afternoon. I felt like they tried to accommodate me, but the dive was short cause we had to be at the buffet at 6 pm. I was 15 mins late to dinner, but no one was there at our table. After waiting for them for 15 mins, I walked around and found them at the beach bar. However, we did do a night dive after dinner.
5 th day, we did 3 boat dives and a night boat dive at the Salt Pier.
6 th day, i did 3 boat dives and was informed that some of us were doing a dive as we reached the dock. I wished they told me sooner! I already un assembled and packed my gear. I went to the bar and had 4 drinks before dinner cause i was "t" off. After dinner, the two couple had asked if i wanted to join them for a night dive since the group was thinking of going out to the club. I declined since I had one too many drinks and it would not be a good judgements if i went.
7 th day, all of us are doing a 3 tank boat dive follow by an afternoon potluck which was cancelled and pushed back for the night. Potluck was scheduled and cancelled 3x on different days.
Moral to this story is, as a single diver it suck! Don't group 3 leaders together in case someone wants to do a shore dive or dive from the house reef. Group leader should do a group text since Wi Fi is available for any changes. Or write a note for meeting times. I felt I was a third wheel and unwelcome! I have dove w this shop before and they did an excellent job before...so what changed?I was given two single dive buddies, one had recently been on a motorcycle accident and the other one, elder diver, was not interested on a night dive. The other 2 single female was nice, but not interested. Since, the 7 th day was chaotic we didnt go tour the island! I felt i didnt see any of Bonaire except from the boat, very disappointing trip! Also, they're 3 shop employees that reached their dive goal, 100, 200, and 500. The 2 couple that i dove w also reached their 300 dives on this trip. I wanted to get my 200 on my 2 yrs anniversary and I missed it by 4 dives!
You don't know how I understand you as most my dive trips I do alone.
I have mail exchange with dive shop much prior the trip and pay in advance some amount to guarantee minimum amount of dives.
In case something going wrong, I require my money back. Nobody like to return money and dive shop do they maximum.
It doesn't work in 100%, but in most cases.
I have bigger issue, as GUE trained, I need buddy and not just "other diver dive near around", so in most cases local DM is my buddy.
Regarding rent pony - except dive shop in Cozumel and few in Israel, I didn't meet any other place where you can rent 19-30cu tank.
On this Friday trip to Bahamas I will take my 30cu pony with me (open valve in check-in language).
Disappointing group trip to Bonaire

Well, there's your problem right there...

Trying to work around everyone else's schedule, and 'wasting time' boat diving, will kill your ability to max out diving opportunities on Bonaire.

What were the folks with trucks doing while you were on the boat?
I mentioned that I wanted to reached my 200 dives on this trip. I worked every hard before my trip to Bonaire to get as closed to my goal as possible. I needed 25 dives, 4 dives short!

Well, there's your problem right there.
Never seen so many people concerned with their dive count. Is it a local topic for bragging rights or something?
You seem to have missed the point of Bonaire "dive freedom"
there is no set schedule for you to dive except for boat departure time. Ocean is open 24 hrs 7 days a week. You do need to be assigned a dedicated buddy to dive with. Just talk to someone, anyone, does not even have to be from your group, and go. As to truck rental, I prefer staying at a resort that has its own rental vehicles onsite and includes them in your stay. Resort I stay at does. If you are staying solo it gives you a truck, same for dbl occ. most assigned to a truck is 4.
As to meals, there are so many restaurants to choose from. Why bother with cooking dinner on vacation? Really do no save anything by cooking as groceries are expensive there and much may go to waste at end of week anyway.
I can understand a quick sandwich type lunch, but cooking up a breakfast and dinner takes time away from doing what you went there for. Go diving.
Why didn't you just take off and dive on your own? Bet there were plenty of other people you could have hooked up with. OK to travel with the group but make your own dive plans. And why would their eating schedule affect you? Who cares when they eat? Presumably you're an adult and can look after your own dietary needs?
My ideal dive planned in Bonaire: Do 2 boat dives,, grab lunch, 1 tank afternoon dive, and head out to do 2 shore dives or dive from our house Reefs, than dinner.
Our 2 dive leaders decided to return 2 trucks back to the rental and decided to exchange the funds for afternoon boat dives. Cause their wife said it's too much work and effort.
For the 3 people that prepaid for the afternoon dives, we should got our money reimburse for our afternoon boat dives.
The other people that only does 2 boat dives party too much so they didn't have the energy to do shore dives or dove from the dock.
Once I found out they return the 2 trucks, I did mentioned to one of the group leader if we still be able to tour the island. He said " Yes" we have one truck left.
At that point, I didn't have a problem that the 2 trucks was returned. I just needed a buddy to go diving at the house Reefs! I can't believe that they ditch me twice! I'm a very punctual and confident diver so Why were the 3 group leaders dives at their convenient times and not invited me who really wants to dives.
This is a sponsored group shop trip and I'm a paying customer, they should have given me the opportunity to do shore dives or house Reefs.
They did however buddy me up w two single divers: one was an elderly woman who only wants to do 2 dives and theother one had back problem due to a motorcycle accident a month ago.
I wanted to do a group trip to Bonaire cause it's the shore diving capital and hubby who I left behind in the states to tends to our kids does not like shore diving. 2 dives a day for 3 days is enough for him, plus his breathing rate it's not great.
OP, I really don't understand what you are hoping to accomplish with this thread. You had a bad experience with that shop and those group leaders; learn from it, and move on. Venting - almost whining - on ScubaBoard isn't going to change that trip. You were very trusting and very submissive, and made a lot of assumptions, which is not always a good strategy. I'm sorry you had a bad trip, but it was really not Bonaire's fault and not a problem on most group trips.

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