Religion and scuba

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only a dozen? I can think of a few dozen, but I think the overall messages are good, especially if you reat much of it as metaphors
So how do you know which parts you should pay attention to, which parts teach you the good stuff, and which parts are supposed to be taken metaphorically only, and which parts to ignore altogether because they're outright atrocious?
I turn my brain on and think?
Very good! In other words, you already know how to be a good person simply by thinking about it. And you use this knowledge to determine which parts of the bible are moral and which are not. Meaning the bible doesn't actually teach you anything. It's rather the other way around.
I am a occasional Roman Catholic as it makes my mother and other family members happy when I "visit home" that I attend Mass with them.
But I no longer consider myself to be a "Good Catholic", and certainly don't think the pedophile priests that have been protected by the church for too long are either.
I am not hostile to religion.
I wish it would live up to the billing of the adherents actually.
Some groups do better than others.
I regularly dive with a Rabbi, an Atheist Jewish Doctor, a semi faithful Roman Catholic, a Jewish Grandmother that hates the cost of belonging to a Temple, and thinks it a scam, a VERY religious Protestant lady that prays prior to every meal, and some other occasions I think, and A few "I could care less types".
We do well.
We enjoy diving, talking, eating, and generally screwing around in one another's company.
One of my favorite possessions is a tee shirt my father gave me.
It says:
"I would rather be here in this stream fishing and thinking about God,
than sitting there in a church and wishing I was fishing."
My father was at one time a very strong and loyal Episcopal.
But he broke with the church over the whole homosexuality ordination thing.
I could pretty much care less.
But I like the shirt.

Probably a bad Catholic, but Catholic unto death.
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"I don't believe in organized religion or god. I believe in a single higher power!"

I guess the above would make me a "liberal" the way Americans presently classify the world. The problem is that when the exact slogan is translated into Arabic then it becomes the word by word declaration of Islamic faith "LA ILAHA ILLALAH." You can see this liberal slogan written on mosques everywhere. By declaring the above in Arabic I would be classified as a "Muslim" but I say it in English and everyone thinks that I am a non-religious liberal. This goes a long way to show that religions rarely begin as religions. They usually begin when a free thinking rationalist enters a temple and starts whipping the men of faith. He then over turns their money tables and throws their currency while whipping the crap out of them.

I believe in holy books because they are historical testimonies of humanists throwing violent fits at men of faith. Pharoah, Nemrod and all the biblical villains appear as "men of faith" grounded in blind theology of their own time whereas Moses is more like a Martin Luther King or Malcom X born way before his time when political correctness was really not on his side. Does this reading of the Bible still make me Christian or Jewish?
For some, diving is a religion.:D

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