Fatigue after deco dives

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I most likely don't drink enough fluid. I usually only drink when I'm thirsty or when I'm eating. I could easily be dehydrated.

I will tell you this with absolute 100% certainty...if you are waiting to drink water until you are thirsty, you ARE dehydrated. Not maybe, you are. You should be drinking water WAY before you feel thirsty.

I agree with the majority on the dive aspect and would change your dive profile accordingly, but I would also make a huge effort to hydrate yourself properly. Any physical activity (especially diving) is going to be severely more strenuous on your body if you aren't properly hydrated.

PADI Rescue/DM 09100Z7445
Dr Dive/Wet Dream/Sea Cobra/Y-Knot/H2OBelow

Diving is my passion...I live to dive!
LoL! I felt like a sumo wrestler until it loosened up but I was fairly warm in the water. :)

Cold does sound like an issue. What kind of hood are you using?
A 7mm hood. Should be plenty warm enough.

I guess, I prefer a hooded vest with a 2-3 mm hood and then an additional 5 mm hood with no bibb.. but 7 should be good.
Wish you could've stuck around the diving was fun!
Marathon/ultra-marathon runner likely means very little body fat = easily susceptible to cold. Couple that with dehydration and you're easily asking for problems.

When I'm diving - deco or not - I force myself to drink plenty of fluids. I would also nix diving wet if you're going to do this kind of diving.

Have you taken a deco class? Full Cave is not a proxy for a Deco class. My question has nothing to do with a card, either. Deco theory goes beyond "sit at 20' on O2 until my DC clears". If not I would really suggest taking one as you could be doing yourself long term damage and not even know it.

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