Mares new "tri-material" HP valve assembly

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I work in a shop that's a new Mares dealer, and I've rebuilt probably 30 MR22/V32s. Help me to see if I have the HP seat/poppet chronology correct:

1. The original poppet was all-metal and had a tapered conical protrusion on the face that contacts the seat. The original seat was a soft material that sealed up to the conical protrusion on the poppet.

2. Here's where I'm hazy-- Mares changed the seat to a metal seat with a conical opening (just like most other manufacturers) but with a duller edge than the typical knife-edged seat. The poppet itself was a clear plastic material and the stem of the poppet was uncoated metal. I may be wrong here, but I think I'm right--that this was the first modified poppet they came up with.

3. The latest modification is the trimaterial poppet/hard seat which seems to work quite well. That poppet has the black-coated stem and grey-colored plastic face. Other than the coated stem, it's extremely similar in appearance to the poppets in paragraph 2. From what I can tell the seat is identical to the seat described in 2 above.

Am I correct in this timeline here?
Sounds pretty close to me. Don't forget the SCS seat used in some regulators. Falls in the timeline of #2.


Can you describe the SCS seat?
Can you describe the SCS seat?

On the "poppet" (imagine it as a T-shape), the normally flat portion is actually formed into a hemispherical shape. It is not normally replaced when serviced. The soft seat contains a concave sealing surface with an orifice in the center. They are an off-white color on most models.

Greg--Thanks. That SCS sounds to me a lot like it's what I described as the "original" poppet. I'm sure that I have something screwed up in the chronology here but I'll figure it out somehow.

Greg--Thanks. That SCS sounds to me a lot like it's what I described as the "original" poppet. I'm sure that I have something screwed up in the chronology here but I'll figure it out somehow.


The original design looks similar to the tri-material version. The shaft is all chromed brass, and the sealing surface is a black, shiny compound.

Aha! So that means that what I described as the original poppet is actually the first replacement. Now things make more sense. Thanks for helping me out. I am now just merely confused where before I was totally confused.

Actually, I think I have a handle on things now. Thanks again!

I hate to add to your confusion, but...The SCS system was used in some regs, while the T-shaped poppet was installed in other models. Mares discontinued the SCS, so that all of their diaphragm regs would be of the same configuration.
Clear as mud!

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