Selecting buddies?

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I need to find buddies to dive with. My instructor turned me on to this site and I've found some divers interested in diving with me but I'm not sure what's appropriate and what's safe in meeting someone for the first time and going diving.
First off I'm a girl, so I do have safety concerns about meeting a guy off somewhere alone for the first time..

A smart girl to be concerned, good for you! Now to just add a small bit to what's already been said. Try to meet a group. There are good dive groups everywhere. Most dive shops have some formal or informal groups that get together at local sites. I would start there and then pair down to some friends/buddies you might meet through the group.

Second, how can I tell if they will be a safe buddy? Are there certain questions I could ask to help me determine if they are safe divers?

Ask others about the diver. Again, back to the group. Other divers will give you the straight info on someone. Experienced divers know what to look for in other divers and tend to be quite vocal about it when asked.

Are there precautions I should take to keep myself safe under water, just in case they aren't safe once we get down there?

Tell your new buddy your concern. Keep the dive shallow, short and safe. Just a check out dive of sorts for the both of you to see how you feel with each other.

If I begin a dive and realize that I don't feel comfortable with this other diver possibly because of their behavior, would it be bad form to stop the dive?

I think this has been covered very well....Anyone, including YOU, can call a dive at any time for any reason.

If I choose to stop the dive for some reason and signal to go up and they refuse, am I required to stay with the buddy or can I surface?

You are required to come up safely from every dive. If after you signal your desire to ascend your buddy comes with you, good for him/her, if not, make sure your intentions are understood and make sure you come up slow and safe.

Are there any safer options to finding dive buddies?

At the risk of sounding like I have a group fetish, look for local groups.

Thanks for any guidance you can provide!

Dive safe, and welcome!
If I choose to stop the dive for some reason and signal to go up and they refuse, am I required to stay with the buddy or can I surface?

There is a hand signal that is appropriate to use once you have signaled to surface and the dive buddy has refused to do so. As others have said, at this point the dive buddy is aware you are going to surface and has elected not to, further endangering you with a solo surface. Signal using a single finger of the appropriate digit of either hand that you are no longer dive buddies.

As for meeting other divers. We all assume some risk when we meet other divers for the first time. So your concern is not only understandable, but prudent.

First off, join a local dive club which will move you to a group situation and potentially safer situation.

Ask questions of the other diver such as:
1. How long they have been diving?
2. Deepest dive to date?
3. Level of certification?
4. engage in small talk for a time and you will soon know if the other diver is daredevil or conservative. Go with your gut.
There is a hand signal that is appropriate to use once you have signaled to surface and the dive buddy has refused to do so. ... Signal using a single finger of the appropriate digit of either hand that you are no longer dive buddies.

Is that anything like showing them half of a peace sign?:crafty:
How do YOU know the type of women who post there? hmm....

It's my job to know! And it's dirty one but someone has to do it:wink:

(Plus, I have dived with a few of them as well!)
Any guy who suggests a 2am meeting at a lake you've never heard of should be considered suspect until proven otherwise :D Me? I would still meet him but I'd be carrying an axe :eyebrow:

I would suggest such a meeting if only to see a rabbit wielding an axe!
I would suggest such a meeting if only to see a rabbit wielding an axe!

I can see it now. Full moon shining down, a figure steps into view and pauses. The shadow on the wall has feet hip width apart, rabbit ears and an axe held in the neutral position across both thighs. :rofl3:
Ber :lilbunny:
I need to find buddies to dive with.

The effort needed to develop and maintain a buddy network can be a challenge. I have been building my current network for 2 years and it's finally got me diving to the point I'm happy with.

The biggest problem I found, is the frustration; not having buddies can keep you out of the water. Don't let the frustration stop you. Being patient and persistent and you'll find the right buddies for you.

You will find many experienced divers are cautious diving with new divers. If you screw up during the first dive, you might not get invited back. Just be safe and courteous(uw of course) and you will get invited back.
Full moon shining down, a figure steps into view and pauses. The shadow on the wall has feet hip width apart, rabbit ears and an axe held in the neutral position across both thighs.
Will this be your new profile pic? :)

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