I'm not sure if this is in the right forum area, but...
I recently returned from a trip to Indonesia. On that trip, I opened up my Wicked can that holds my ACR ResQLink PLB which was encased in double ZipLoc plastic bags. There was water in the can, and water in the plastic bags. Hmmm... I thought the Wicked can was supposed to be waterproof. (I have test-dived it before.)
I dried everything and re-packed the can. This time I used a bit of o-ring grease and screwed it down fully, not leaving a thumbnail width gap as recommended. Once again, water infiltrated.
Now that I'm home, I took out the ResQLink for testing, and it is completely dead. No display, no lights, no strobe.
Is it expected that water would kill the unit? Does it not work well under pressure (max 90 feet)? Could it be that water immersion drained the battery? (I'm delighted that it didn't seem to activate the beacon.)
I have a mail in to ACR tech support, and I will be contacting Wicked to bug them about a leaking canister. I've also found a fairly local service center. But in the meantime, can anyone shed some light on what might have happened here?
I'm not sure if this is in the right forum area, but...
I recently returned from a trip to Indonesia. On that trip, I opened up my Wicked can that holds my ACR ResQLink PLB which was encased in double ZipLoc plastic bags. There was water in the can, and water in the plastic bags. Hmmm... I thought the Wicked can was supposed to be waterproof. (I have test-dived it before.)
I dried everything and re-packed the can. This time I used a bit of o-ring grease and screwed it down fully, not leaving a thumbnail width gap as recommended. Once again, water infiltrated.
Now that I'm home, I took out the ResQLink for testing, and it is completely dead. No display, no lights, no strobe.
Is it expected that water would kill the unit? Does it not work well under pressure (max 90 feet)? Could it be that water immersion drained the battery? (I'm delighted that it didn't seem to activate the beacon.)
I have a mail in to ACR tech support, and I will be contacting Wicked to bug them about a leaking canister. I've also found a fairly local service center. But in the meantime, can anyone shed some light on what might have happened here?