200 people to invest $5-6k into a wetsuit...
I'll let you know right now, you will never get that. There are a lot of suckers in the world, but not that many looking for a wetsuit heated with some Strontium-90.
Drysuits with heated undergarments already exist and are well known. And more economical.
Laws of physics are understood as well. Water is a great conductor of heat. Insulation is well understood as well. The levels of energy needed to keep water warm inside a wetsuit are noting to sneeze at.
I'll ask a question, how much energy are you looking to put into this "BAD ASS WETSUIT HEATER"? Watts, btu, whatever real unit exists. I'm not going to ask how you are going to get that energy, that is probably too much of a secret for you to let out. But people here know what energy levels are, and if what you propose can even do the job. You can call it a BAD ASS WETSUIT HEATER, but without any numbers to back the performance, it may not be any warmer than peeing yourself in a wetsuit.
There are lots of mean people in the world, who just want to steal my research and then copy ect.
I really do have this technology, and if people want to buy heated dry suits, why should i care?
Some people here don't even believe me, so what. If I put this into production, I'm doing scuba diving a favor, but I really don't care in helping anyone else figure it out.
You can see how some react so negatively.
And yes, the levels of energy needed to keep water warm inside a wetsuit are nothing to sneeze at, that's why it's so hard to do.
BUT i did it and am successful. I did hundreds of heated dives and its the best scuba invention ever.
Thats why its BAD ASS.
Im not giving out numbers, I have them but I'm not helping anyone else.
When i get support then we can talk about making them. Also I'm willing to give a demo before taking any money.
Not only can it heat a wetsuit, but it can also cook you to death in it that's how powerful it is. Not joking.
If I'm the only guy that has it and uses it, then my dive sites will be less crowed, and I can do things that no one else can, that's good enough for me.
It's really insulting to accuse me of trying to find suckers.
So if there is anyone who wants to bring this to the masses, yes I will need financial support, and again I will say I won't take ANY money before I give a test drive, then you can be sure that what I'm saying is true.
If I don't get any support, then so be it, this invention will just stay with me and everyone can keep trying to make their own.