Hi i dive wetsuit 3mil with stainless plate. Al80 doubles. With 4 lbs tail weight in tropical.
This setup is my most stable. And best trim. Made tech1 in 6d of class.
My bladder is pretty much inflated.
If i dive in an aluminum plate or carbon plate…. Will the tail weight also need to change? Considering i would lose 3 lbs in the backplate (al is 2lbs vs 5lbs stainless . All halcyon plate)?
3 lbs less for the whole rig would be a lot less stress on my knee
This setup is my most stable. And best trim. Made tech1 in 6d of class.
My bladder is pretty much inflated.
If i dive in an aluminum plate or carbon plate…. Will the tail weight also need to change? Considering i would lose 3 lbs in the backplate (al is 2lbs vs 5lbs stainless . All halcyon plate)?
3 lbs less for the whole rig would be a lot less stress on my knee