Hey Everyone! I (F33) experienced what I assume is an inner ear barotrauma after a dive nearly 10 weeks ago. I was descending down around 50ft and having trouble equalizing my left ear. After a forceful Valsalva I noticed a rush of cold water in my left ear along with loud tinnitus. I didn't think anything of it during the dive because there was no pain. We continued the dive down to 74 feet, ascended without triggering any alarms, and did a safety stop at 20-15 feet for 10 minutes. When I surfaced it was clear that the tinnitus was very loud, and I was dizzy and nauseated. The latter two symptoms persisted for 2 hours, and the tinnitus never went away. The next day we decided to do another dive. The tinnitus hadn't stopped, but I was no longer dizzy so I thought I could dive again. This dive was only to 45 feet for 30 minutes. After surfacing I had extreme vertigo and couldn't walk. I threw up multiple times but felt better after taking Dramamine. The following day I woke up and had bad vertigo as soon as I stood up. Tinnitus was still there. I went to urgent care and they didn't see any issues with my ear so they said I'd get better in time. Because the tinnitus was so distressing I looked up what could be happening and saw that I should get on steroids in case of hearing loss. I went to the ER 5 days after the accident and started a three-week course of prednisone. A hearing test on day 6 confirmed moderate hearing loss in my left ear above 6khz.
Two weeks later I had another hearing test with a Dr. at UCSD who's an expert in tinnitus and they didn't see any hearing loss at all. I still had bad tinnitus but thought this was a good sign. Because I already had an MRI and follow up hearing test scheduled, I got my hearing tested again at 4 weeks after the incident and they again detected moderate hearing loss above 6khz. I sent the results to the UCSD Dr. who then suspected a perilymph fistula and performed a blood patch (now 6 weeks after the injury). That procedure was about 4 weeks ago, and the tinnitus is still there, along with moderate hearing loss above 6khz. I know this is a rare injury, and a rare procedure as well, but I'm wondering if anyone else here has experienced the same injury or treatment and can give me an idea of what the long-term recovery looks like? I started an antidepressant (Effexor) because the tinnitus was giving me panic attacks, and I'm now dealing with side effects from that and just all-around feeling sad that this tinnitus might be permanent. It fluctuates all the time, sometimes being high-pitched, and other times sounding like a mild rushing. Sometimes it zaps in and out multiple times a minute. Does it ever stabilize at least? I'm also experiencing some mild hyperacusis or reactive tinnitus. Most sounds don't bother me, but the occasional high-pitched snap (such as a plate falling) gives me an "echoey" tinnitus sound that goes away after a few seconds but makes me cringe every time. Did anyone experience this and have it go away? I'm so grateful for any input anyone with experience in this type of injury might have.
Two weeks later I had another hearing test with a Dr. at UCSD who's an expert in tinnitus and they didn't see any hearing loss at all. I still had bad tinnitus but thought this was a good sign. Because I already had an MRI and follow up hearing test scheduled, I got my hearing tested again at 4 weeks after the incident and they again detected moderate hearing loss above 6khz. I sent the results to the UCSD Dr. who then suspected a perilymph fistula and performed a blood patch (now 6 weeks after the injury). That procedure was about 4 weeks ago, and the tinnitus is still there, along with moderate hearing loss above 6khz. I know this is a rare injury, and a rare procedure as well, but I'm wondering if anyone else here has experienced the same injury or treatment and can give me an idea of what the long-term recovery looks like? I started an antidepressant (Effexor) because the tinnitus was giving me panic attacks, and I'm now dealing with side effects from that and just all-around feeling sad that this tinnitus might be permanent. It fluctuates all the time, sometimes being high-pitched, and other times sounding like a mild rushing. Sometimes it zaps in and out multiple times a minute. Does it ever stabilize at least? I'm also experiencing some mild hyperacusis or reactive tinnitus. Most sounds don't bother me, but the occasional high-pitched snap (such as a plate falling) gives me an "echoey" tinnitus sound that goes away after a few seconds but makes me cringe every time. Did anyone experience this and have it go away? I'm so grateful for any input anyone with experience in this type of injury might have.