Who would you choose to host a show about diving?

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Scuba Instructor
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500 - 999
Could be a show about underwater archaeology, marine sciences, explorations, whatever. Write in your answers on the person you would like to see host.
Norman Gunston [for a laugh]. Stop laughing....This is serious.:oops:
I have seen so many people who posted videos get pilloried and then either drop the forum or stop making content. The perfection police will complain content makers out of existence. Getting all the shots required to make an interesting 15 minutes of video that has a cohesive narrative is a really tall order. I am not sure why you find my support of a good content maker such a betrayal.

That he travels and produces interesting video about diving on his own dime and is able to make a living at it is pretty amazing. That he can't have perfect trim in every situation doesn't count as unforgivable sin. You've never shown up some place and had to make do with what was available has never occurred? Or do you scrub every dive because the local you traveled to doesn't have everything you would have liked?

Yeah, I would rather watch. him make content than read about every reason he should be embarrassed.

If you think you think better can be done, you are welcome to try, and I will be as tolerant of your foibles as I am of his. I would rather you make good content than wait until you make perfect content. I stopped showing divers in my most of my videos because I don't want them critiqued by people that don't know them or care where they are in their dive career.

I noticed you blocked your profile. JB is willing to put himself out there. I respect that.
This reminds me of a conversation I had with @Trace Malinowski. He's got that stunning video here:

However, in that conversation he told me how when doing demonstration videos, he finds little mistakes, different ones each time, with each take.

So if someone like Trace can find mistakes in every take, what chance do the rest of us to always produce perfect skills in videos where there are not second takes.

This reminds me of the backlash I got here on SB where I posted one of UDC's early videos on performing skills neutrally buoyant and trimmed. Now it wasn't perfect, but it was a big step in the right direction. I remember his name (but won't post it) was especially harsh. As he had a class where he was assisted coming up on the weekend, I challenged him to just record himself doing underwater scuba kit removal and replacement. You can bet your sweet kolo on Monday I followed up to ask where the video was.

"That was hard", was his response. Yeah buddy, it sure is.

So if people here want to throw stones, let's see them post some videos of themselves diving. I knew when I originally started this thread that it would become a shitshοw and at least one person didn't disappoint.
I used to like to watch Jacques Cousteau when I was a kid.

Seriously though....I hate those shows when the get some celebrity to host a show about something they know nothing about. So my pick would be some expert in the field of underwater archaeology that I've never heard of....

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