Unified Dive Industry wants to change DEMA for the better!

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I've been around long enough to develop a healthy dose of cynicism.
I have learned that any "ism" taken to extreme can be as much a detriment as a benefit. This applies to cynicism as much as it does to any religion.
No angry mob Pete, just some folks looking for change.

This is an opportunity to help all. If it fails something else will evolve.

Yes; the dive biss is still in a bad way. Time to make a move; the fence and/or the sidelines seems the position of so many. Sad.
No angry mob Pete,
Then let's just stick to the facts and avoid making those personal attacks. They are unwarranted and make us all look like a petty, vengeful mob. We don't want to look like this:

Sgt. Sisk: Ladies and gentlemen, our suspect is not human. He is at home in the bush. Shoot to kill. Any questions?
Mob Member: Oh, yeah, yeah, I got a question there. When do we get to light our torches?
Sgt. Sisk: When it gets dark.
Mob Member: Ah, I see. Oh, hey, I got another question there. Suppose, hypothetically, you know, a guy had already lit his torch. I mean, it'd be cool if he could just keep it lit, huh?
Sgt. Sisk: Yes.
Mob Member: Oh, excellent. Excellent.
Sgt. Sisk: Now, if there are no more questions...
Mob Member: Oh, hey, hey, hey, I got another question. Hey, uh, if one part of the mob gets separated from another part of the mob, shouldn't there be a place that we can get together? Maybe a secret place the two mobs could reunite, and we'd be a big mob again.
Sgt. Sisk: Stay with the mob.
Mob Member: Stay with the mob. All right.
Sgt. Sisk: Right.
Mob Member: Hey, hey, hey, I got another question. Hey, uh, doesn't this guy deserve a fair trial?
Sgt. Sisk: You - back of the mob!
Mob Member: "Back of the mob"? What? This is my spot! I came early!
Sgt. Sisk: Okay, *out* of the mob!
Mob Member: Ah, this mob blows.
What I see here is a group of dissatisfied people. While I appreciate their statements, exactly what is the agenda? Focus, people, focus!
I sincerely want to be a part of the solution and not just part of an angry mob.

What do you see as the solution, Pete? Cause there is an angry mob that needs dealing with. I sure hope somebody comes up with a vision for the industry soon. I'm not too smart, and sure as hell don't have any leadership qualities that I want to extend beyond the limits of this boat. (I know what I'm good at, and I understand my limitations).
Yes, let us stick with the facts. Where are you coming with this stuff? It has nothing to do with what we are discussing. We are talking about a major reform of DEMA.

Then let's just stick to the facts and avoid making those personal attacks. They are unwarranted and make us all look like a petty, vengeful mob. We don't want to look like this:

Sgt. Sisk: Ladies and gentlemen, our suspect is not human. He is at home in the bush. Shoot to kill. Any questions?
Mob Member: Oh, yeah, yeah, I got a question there. When do we get to light our torches?
Sgt. Sisk: When it gets dark.
Mob Member: Ah, I see. Oh, hey, I got another question there. Suppose, hypothetically, you know, a guy had already lit his torch. I mean, it'd be cool if he could just keep it lit, huh?
Sgt. Sisk: Yes.
Mob Member: Oh, excellent. Excellent.
Sgt. Sisk: Now, if there are no more questions...
Mob Member: Oh, hey, hey, hey, I got another question. Hey, uh, if one part of the mob gets separated from another part of the mob, shouldn't there be a place that we can get together? Maybe a secret place the two mobs could reunite, and we'd be a big mob again.
Sgt. Sisk: Stay with the mob.
Mob Member: Stay with the mob. All right.
Sgt. Sisk: Right.
Mob Member: Hey, hey, hey, I got another question. Hey, uh, doesn't this guy deserve a fair trial?
Sgt. Sisk: You - back of the mob!
Mob Member: "Back of the mob"? What? This is my spot! I came early!
Sgt. Sisk: Okay, *out* of the mob!
Mob Member: Ah, this mob blows.
What do you see as the solution, Pete? Cause there is an angry mob that needs dealing with. I sure hope somebody comes up with a vision for the industry soon. I'm not too smart, and sure as hell don't have any leadership qualities that I want to extend beyond the limits of this boat. (I know what I'm good at, and I understand my limitations).
Well Frank, I am not a big advocate of ready, fire, aim. :D I think the crisis that brought us to this point is BIGGER than just DEMA, although I do see them as a part of the problem.

I would like ALL of us to butt heads over this and to come up with the BEST solution. It might mean abandoning DEMA. It might mean re-electing the entire BOD of DEMA. It might mean pulling DEMA kicking and screaming into the 21st century. I do not oppose this newest initiative as much as I would like to see it tempered just a bit. In fact, you will see my name on the list, and I am NOT asking for it's removal. It's easier to steer a moving object than one just stalled in the doldrums, and this initiative has some traction for the moment.

Then again, I don't feel a need to overstate my disagreement. These guys are certainly my friends and my colleagues. I will be working with them (hopefully) after all of this blows over. I don't want to couch our differences in terms of them being evil and us being good. That's just counter productive. We need to have a mind clear from emotions and desperation in order to make a sound decision. That's as true for us individually as it is for us collectively. Assigning motives that aren't there only inhibits good dialogue and problem solving as well as creating needless tension. We don't need to go down that path.

While I have been frustrated in my efforts to help DEMA out by certain elements of DEMA, I still have hope that they can adjust and start to be the leaders we need them to be. Perhaps that's the romantic in me that sees good in just about everyone, but I don't see anyone on the BOD as wanting anything but the best for our industry. I can say the very SAME about Dick Long, Chris Richardson, Thalassamania, MDB and YOU! In fact: I have!!!

I have outlined a number of things I would like to see changed in Chris' thread about his letter to the industry. I would like to see more operations like YOURS. No gouging, no fine print, no need to worry that you are going to hit your patrons with hidden charges. You provide a safe competent dive operation and you can bet, that I am going to be planning a trip with you, and we have even been talking about it.

I am confident that individually and corporately, our solution(s) lies within us. We just need to take the time and do that reflective soul searching to see the light within us. If you don't like the way a certain orginization is doing things, then try to change them or simply work around them. I have been doing that for years! Sure, I'm still broke, but I am happy. But as William Blake once penned: "The true method of knowledge is experiment." I live and prosper by that statement.
Check out post 141. 'Nuff said.

Yes, let us stick with the facts. Where are you coming with this stuff? It has nothing to do with what we are discussing. We are talking about a major reform of DEMA.
Let's face it. The industry is still in crisis. Manufacturers are having a hard time filling orders because they have had to cut back on staff on all levels. Shops are still reeling from a lack of discretionary funds finding their way through their doors. I sincerely want to be a part of the solution and not just part of an angry mob.

I'm may be missing something here, but why does anybody care what DEMA does?

As far as I can tell, their impact on any individual business is really pretty minimal and their impact on consumers is (AFAIK) non-existent. Given the rise of the internet, it's not really necessary to go to their show to learn about new items or place orders, and all their other efforts seem to be ineffective.

What does DEMA do that makes them worth saving (or any attention at all)?

Why not just stop paying dues, wave goodbye and wish them all a nice life?


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