Two weeks after dive still feeling bad

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Two weeks ago I dived for the first time ever.

At my first dive I had some troubles with equalizing my ears.
You are supposed to equalize at the 1st meter and don't go deeper if you cannot equalize at that shallow depth. Otherwise it would be even harder to equalize.
Two weeks ago I dived for the first time ever.

At my first dive I had some troubles with equalizing my ears. At 6-7 metres deep I felt a headache so intens that I aborted my descent. Never ever felt that kind of pain before. I went up about to about 5 metres deep and I felt okay again. Deeper than that was just not possible due to my headache. Last 10-15 minutes I kept swimming around 3-5 metres. Time spent under water was around 30 minutes. 2nd dive was not even close to 10 minutes and not deeper than 3metres because of the headache.

On the surface I felt a headache immediately. Not that intens feeling underwater but just normal headache. Couple hours later also dizzyness and nauseous. I thought okay sure its fine. 1-2 days later, still the same symptoms. Went to the diveschool and said it was probably barotrauma. Not possible to have DCS.

Went back home 4 days later and still having the same symptoms and kept being dizzy and having a nonstop headache. Went to the GP and was sent to the hospital to do some checks. CT scan, bodyscan and blood tests were all okay as they didnt find anything suspicious.

Now 14 days later I am still feeling dizzy sometimes and start having some annoying feeling in my shoulders and neck/shoulder muscles. No chest pain or pressure but just annoying constsnt feelings. It is not constant though and it getting worse. Sometimes also numbness in my hands and feeling exhausted. Stress could also cause these symptoms as I have quite some stress due to this all. I hoped I would feel better after 2 weeks..

Would like some advice what to do? My GP has no clue about diving so thats pretty useless. Anyone maybe what to best?
go to a ENT

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