SKR 3 EZ and BigTreeTech's pad 7 help Going with Klipper...

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My 3D Printint Station! [/center]

Once a printer gets set up, it's a thing of beauty. Getting it set up is often frustrating! I added a Sonic Pro Pad to my Ender 3 S1 Pro... had my share of bumps, but she's awesome! I love the Klipper interface too. Speed and finish have improved greatly. If only I could finish up with my Tevo Tornado. She is the first 3D printer I ever owned and was problematic from the start. It became obvious that the board was the source of a lot of my grief, so I got a Fuet II board that I promptly fried. The second one worked for about a month and then that board just died. So now I've got a BTT (BigTreeTech) SKR 3EZ board with a Sprite direct drive hot end. I'm combining this with a BTT Pad 7, which it their answer to Creality's Sonic Pad. It also does Klipper, but my local guru does mostly Marlin.


My problem is that YouTube is failing me! I want to see a specific SKR3 EZ to Pad 7 setup. Or a clear tutorial. I'm halfway through this,
but it's about another printer. and I'm stuck on step 8 on this site: 4. Installing Klipper on SKR3 EZ . I keep pushing the buttons and fail to see the ID number I'm supposed to see! Arrrrrgh! Through a Google search, I see people asking the same question and they're not being answered! Complicating this, I'm in a good amount of pain. I need back surgery. It was supposed to happen yesterday, but due to some miscommunications, it has been postponed. The pinch is distracting, especially when it becomes more than a pinch. Standing is almost always uncomfortable, if not painful. Sitting down at my desk long enough to compose a decent post is uncommon. I'm constantly trying to find a sitting position that doesn't hurt. It's more of a sitting slouched position. I can watch TV, but that's so boring! The pain is so distracting, that I often feel like I'm in a fog.



My SKR 3 EZ board mounted to 24V power supply before all the wires get plugged in!​
I found a work around by watching
It's specifically for Klipper on the SKR3 EZ. I've been working through it all slowly, but made great progress today. Klipper is installed, all the errors and missing config parameters sussed out, and I'm ready to test. My back surgery has been scheduled for Tuesday, 2023/6/27 and I am eager to get it done. I work for a few minutes, and then have to take a couch break. When I come back, I have to remember what I've done and where I'm at.
And the next issue... I just hit home all and got this: Endstop x still triggered after retract. However, the printhead is nowhere near the x stop. Must be a configuration issue where it thinks open is stop.
I changed the endstops and the direction of the x motor using a simple ! in printer.cfg. I took out the CRTouch stuff and will play with it when I get the rest running. It homes now, but the z motor sounds grindy. I'm hurting too much to stand, so maybe tomorrow?
I feel you, man. Hang in there!

Sorry, but I got bupkis on the tech end as I haven't yet committed to 3D printing as another hobby money pit ...
OK, it's been a while since I gave an update. I would really love to find a klipper-head who could give some much needed insight. Everything is working but the extruder. I thought I had it going, but no longer. Here is my printer.cfg for just the extruder...

step_pin: PD15
dir_pin: !PD14
enable_pin: PC7
microsteps: 16
gear_ratio: 42:12
rotation_distance: 26.359
nozzle_diameter: 0.400
filament_diameter: 1.750
heater_pin: PB3
sensor_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F
sensor_pin: PA2
control: pid
pid_Kp: 22.2
pid_Ki: 1.08
pid_Kd: 114
min_temp: 0
max_temp: 250
#step_pin: PD11
#dir_pin: PD10
#enable_pin: !PD13
#heater_pin: PB4
#sensor_pin: PA3
I added the ! to dir_pin because it was going backwards. I also grabbed the gear ratio and rotation difference from someone else's set up for their Sprite Extruder.
As an aside, I noticed some HUGE wobble in the Y axis of my Ender 3 S1 Pro. It was fairly easy to pull the assembly apart, but I finally got to use these DuraTech thin wrenches. I really hate the stamped ones they send you. There's a cam adjustment under the wheels on one side that you turn clockwise with a 10mm wrench to tighten. I adjust the wheels until they just can't spin on the rail without moving the assembly. It's best to hold the tray still, so you can really feel when the wheel grips. In any event, I'm going to finish my Ender adjustment, so I have at least one printer working. :D




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