Shearwater and the Poseidon Solid State Sensor

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United States
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I'm a Fish!
So I sent an e-mail out of idle curiosity to Shearwater asking if they're investigating integrating the Poseidon Solid State Sensor architecture into theirs. I'd like one in my SF2, but I don't want to cut a hole in my loop nor do I want to fork over the money for the Poseidon M28 on top of that. The response from Tim was that they had one and have played with it a little bit, but haven't had anyone show any real interest. I posit that it's because everybody has been quietly waiting for them to do something with it, instead of proactively expressing a desire to have a Shearwater with SSS integration.

He expressed that they would be more inclined to investigate if the community showed interest. So chime in if you'd like to see Shearwater do some of that wacky engineering stuff they do.

Everyone seems to think that the SSS is a cool idea, but most people dislike the idea of having to purchase another expensive computer simply to dedicate to running the SSS, and don't like having to purchase another piece of hardware in the CPOD. Alternatively, they don't want to buy a Poseidon IF and WHEN they put it in a unit with the sensor in the head. A Shearwater-based solution where you can use the Canadian hardware and don't need an extra external pod would be a great way to add the potential benefits of the SSS without going full Poseidon.

From Tim Inglis regarding their product development, "Requests like yours are the very best way to catalyze action on our part. Thanks for taking the time to write to us.

If you have other suggestions, comments or requests please don't hesitate to share them as they really help us to focus our development efforts."

My dream list is a new "Predator EXT" but with all of the current functionality of their more modern computers.
With the damn sensors costing 650 Euros each under the table, (read that as fallen off the truck without a receipt), the manufacturer being locked into an exclusive contract with Poseidon for all diving uses, the retail cost being 800 Euros a sensor (currently only 915US$), the expected sensor life only being 10 years, still needing a powersupply and interface circuitry, I don't see a big market for it either. Next point, I will never trust my life to any one piece of gear, so either 2 more sensors and a spare powersupply (voting logic) or continuing to use 2 analog sensors in addition the the Poseidon sensor.
For me it's too much money for too little added safety.

I’d want redundant, rock solid SSSensors in my future rebreather when I am ready for it, and I would see them running off Shearwater logic as a plus...
Mail or just this post, not sure that counts as valid interest coming from a non RB diver to date (how many of those actually do proceed to RBdiving later on...). But I am saying it anyway...
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Dear Schwob, or Schwaeble or Schwäble,

since as a Schwöb, as in "Geiz ist Geil", you'll never buy one:)
People from Schwaben are known for pinching each penny until its a lot thinner:)

Sorry, couldn't resist as a "wahl Badener"
Dear Schwob, or Schwaeble or Schwäble,

since as a Schwöb, as in "Geiz ist Geil", you'll never buy one:)
People from Schwaben are known for pinching each penny until its a lot thinner:)

Sorry, couldn't resist as a "wahl Badener"

sorry for the continued thread hijack, but this matters and cannot rest... although most won’t understand...
@Rechno is right. Poking like that makes you by default into a “Badenser”, that just cannot be helped! :)
But then, you are right too @michael-fisch (although, Scots may beg to differ): two Swabians simultaneously finding the same penny, did indeed invent the copper wire...
But then again, we are talking diving here... just by the mere act of being a sort of active diver I sort of continue to violate all holy rules of honorable Swabianess... So, don’t hold your breath (ha!), maybe that RB does find me some day after all... it’s the only way to save on gas after all...

So, @Shearwater , hear this, this is serious stuff, you are on the hook now... :)
I'd be interested in shearwater building something to interface it with. Maybe with the same wireless technology as air integrated computers if it can be done reliably?

I'd think the lack of interest comes from the fact that they are almost impossible to get and that poseidon hasn't published technical information.

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