Forgotten experiment "Neon 400"

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Moscow, Russia
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100 - 199
Еxperiment "Neon 400"
Timur Guseinov
(Translator: google)
Probably only the USSR could implement such gigantic projects. Just like later, they are carelessly forgotten. In America, calculating the cost and risk, found the close experiment too dangerous and expensive.

The experiment was conducted on the basis of the Southern branch of the Research Institute of Oceanology. Shirshov in the city of Gelendzhik in 1986-87.

The scientific director of the experimental work was a terrific scientist and organizer Genin A.M., professor at the Institute of Biomedical Problems (IBMP).

The testers were researchers at the IBMP and researchers and divers at the Southern Branch of the Research Institute of Oceanology. From IBMP, mainly I.P. laboratory staff Polishchuk and the clinical department (Stazhadze L.L.). Each employee had his own topic of research. The participants in the hyperbaric work graduated from a professional diving school and courses in underwater specificology and medicine at the Kirov Naval Aviation Institute (Leningrad). Those who graduated from these courses had the right to provide deep-sea diving operations without depth restrictions.

In order to appreciate the idea and scope of the experiment, elementary ideas about underwater physiology are needed. Experts will excuse me for deliberate simplification.

There are several factors that limit the depth of the dive that people can work on. One of the factors is the density of the gas mixture, which increases in proportion to the pressure. Nature did not expect that a person would need to breathe heavy gas mixtures. Imagine that you are forced to inhale and exhale air as heavy and dense as water. Imagine how this air hardly squeezes into the nostrils and trachea. Are there enough respiratory muscles to provide breathing? And if enough, then for a long time? For completeness of perception, consider that the feeling of lack of air instantly causes a stressful reaction.More specifically, a panic condition. A panic state is accompanied by a loss of control over the situation, an increase in oxygen demand, and uncontrolled motor activity. The vicious circle closes.

Within working depths, replacing air nitrogen with helium solves the density problem. Both are inert gases, and are necessary for diluting oxygen to a safe "concentration" (if right, partial pressure). With a large "concentration" of oxygen, death from a convulsive syndrome soon occurs. Helium, unlike nitrogen, is much lighter and more fluid. Using helio-oxygen mixtures, a person in experimental descents already really descended to a depth of 450-500 meters (45-50 atmospheres). However, human performance under these conditions was already significantly limited.

Is it possible to go down to a depth of 1-2 km?
The experiment was to answer this question. But, such pressure without density factor can have unexplored and unpredictable effects. And to admit a combination of two unknown factors is unreasonable and not scientific.

The experimental design was as follows. Air nitrogen is replaced by neon. This is a fairly heavy inert gas. But unlike nitrogen, without a narcotic effect. It was planned to achieve a pressure of 25-35 atmospheres. At the same time, the density of the gaseous medium is approximately the same as in a heli-oxygen medium at a pressure of 100-150 atmospheres. This corresponds to a depth of 1-1.5 km. For the full sensation, imagine that you filled a weightless container with a volume of 1 m3 (cube with a face of 1 m) with a neon-oxygen atmosphere from a pressure chamber at a pressure of 35 atmospheres.Then this container was carried out into the air and placed on the floor. To lift this “empty” container, one would have to pull pretty hard. He would weigh about 30 kilograms! Now try to imagine the feeling of the mice that were put in this container. Participants in the experiment easily imagine this.

It remains to add a few secondary features of the experimental conditions.
  1. With increasing density of the gaseous medium, its thermal conductivity and heat capacity sharply increase. The water analogy will help again. With prolonged exposure to water, the comfortable temperature range is very narrow. A little hotter, you will overheat. A little colder, you will be cold. Both are equally dangerous.
  2. Speech in a modified gas environment becomes incomprehensible. Therefore, communication is either severely limited or impossible.
  3. Even inert gases with high pressure exert an effect on the central nervous system of a person. This effect may be of the type of either narcotic or "high pressure nerve syndrome." In the atmosphere of neon, the latter was predicted.
  4. The size of the "Ball" was larger, but commensurate with the size of the descent spacecraft. But it was planned to live and work there for several weeks (before moving to the living compartment). In a confined space of small volume (5 cubic meters), numerous psychological problems arose. For example, related to personal hygiene. The atmosphere of the "Ball" worked in a closed loop. Carbon dioxide and odors are absorbed by their own filters. To ensure this, electric motors were constantly working. Oxygen was supplied as it was spent on breathing.
  5. When the pressure reaches 25-35 atmospheres and the exposure is about 5 hours, you can leave the pressure chamber no earlier than in a week, but really, not earlier than in two weeks. So much is required for a period of slow pressure reduction - decompression. With a rapid decrease in pressure, the blood will be the same as with a warm bottle of champagne when it is opened.
For comparison. With problems with the health of the astronaut, he can be planted on the ground within a day.

Naturally, they actively worked on the security problem. The Ball compartment with a neon-oxygen mixture was docked with a residential compartment having a helio-oxygen medium. At the same pressure in the "Ball" and the living compartment, it was possible to go into the living compartment within 5 minutes. Naturally there were people in it. But there was a significant “but.” When moving from the "Ball" to the living compartment, there was a theoretical possibility of an unusual form of decompression sickness. Unusual, since its cause is not a change in pressure, but a change in the composition of the gaseous medium. When replacing a gaseous medium from heavier to lighter, the effect of isobaric anti-diffusion arises. If the ball is inflated, for example with neon at the same pressure, placed in the atmosphere of helium, light moving helium will enter (diffuse) into the ball faster than neon will leave the ball.Eventually the ball will burst. Therefore, what will happen to a person during an emergency replacement of the gaseous medium was not clear.

This was one of the reasons for conducting training descents on 200 and 250 meters (20-25 atmospheres). It was shown that with a relatively slow change in the gaseous medium, only a peculiar discomfort was noted. A relatively slow shift, I call the situation of opening a lock between the compartments without actively mixing the gas medium. The testers from the ball went into the living compartment after 15-20 minutes.

But what would happen during an emergency transition to the living compartment was clearly not clear.

Therefore, there was a need for the possibility of artificial or auxiliary ventilation in the "case of what."

Here I am subjective and want to stay in more detail.

Mechanical ventilation devices are designed by a person for a normal density of the gas medium. In conditions of high density, the devices cannot maintain the given volumes of ventilation and finally stop. I came up with the idea of the promise of assisted high-frequency lung ventilation. The point is that a tube with a diameter of two times less than the diameter of the trachea is inserted into the trachea. Through it, under pressure, with a frequency of 100-200 per minute, small portions of the gas mixture are fed. Air jerks increase mixing and gas exchange. At the same time, the possibility of independent breathing remains. Everything seems to be logical. It remains only to draw a thin endotracheal tube into the trachea in a person in consciousness. This is called tracheal intubation. The routine anesthesiologist does with the help of a laryngoscope in a patient under anesthesia on the background of drug-induced total muscle relaxation.

Gathered. I explain what we will do. Near the lapping warm sea. In the eyes of men I see a polite understanding of the need to do this. Vadik Sementsov called out. Anesthetizing the nose and oropharynx. I run a catheter through my nose. The next stage, under the control of laryngoscopy, see the glottis, and hold the catheter into the trachea. I explain. The blade of a laryngoscope is about 11 cm long. They need to go to about the level of the thyroid cartilage (common - Adam's apple), raise soft tissues, the epiglottis and see the entrance to the trachea. After several attempts, it becomes clear that even with Vadik's self-control, this is impossible. In the eyes of men I see a polite understanding. Crash. I improvise. I say that I can do it myself. I see a polite misunderstanding in the gases of men. Consistently anesthetizing my nose, oropharynx, vocal cords, trachea. On a deep breath from the second attempt I pass the tube into the trachea. I am connected to a high-frequency ventilation device. Everything worked out. I try not to show my amazement. Carelessly removing the endotracheal tube. Pause. Vadik gets up "Well, well, well ...". Within half an hour, everyone did it. And in the future there was no case that someone did not succeed. Believe me, if you ask the anesthesiologist if a person can intubate the trachea himself, he will say that this is impossible.

The funny thing is that tests on test descents showed that with increasing density, the effectiveness of this type of assisted breathing catastrophically decreases. But the fallback proved to be effective. Its meaning was that in the mouthpiece, the gas mixture was inhaled into the lungs by inhaling the injector. The trigger for the injector was the negative pressure when trying to inhale. Naturally, a manual injector launch system was also provided. This system of both artificial and auxiliary ventilation was amazingly successful. Naturally, the volume of the gas mixture from the active nozzle of the injector progressively decreased with increasing density. But the amount of intake air was progressively increasing. The fact is that the volume of intake air is directly proportional to the mass of gas exiting the nozzle of the active injector. And this mass of gas increases in direct proportion to the density of the surrounding gas medium. Mutual compensation arose, and, at the outlet, the injection system had linear volumetric characteristics regardless of pressure (density) changes. It is hoped that this find is used in practice somewhere.

After the experiments, all members of the Ball crew wrote a report on their stay in a neon-oxygen environment.

I miraculously preserved the original of my report. Perhaps one of the participants in the experiment got the same reports. I hope that they will join the process of creating the site and will also be published.

Over time, I will continue the story of this unusual experiment, which fully fits into the definition of "for the first time in the World." I will provide a chronology of descents, their features. I will list all its participants. This requires the collection of materials and time.

I continue.
Preliminary chronology of experimental descents on the topic "Neon". There may be a mistake in the month. Not all participants may be listed in the living area. I apologize for not remembering everyone by name. Over time, clarifications will be made. I will be glad if the participants in the events make their corrections.

  • February-March 1986. Achieving a pressure of 20 atmospheres in the neon-oxygen atmosphere of the "Ball". In the "Ball" Yura Zakharov and Victor Lavrov.Duration of stay in the "Ball" day. In the residential compartment Igor Malovatsky. During the decompression period, Timur Huseynov was "slouched" into the living compartment.
Yura Zakharov and Vitya Lavrov were the first in the World who tried the neon-oxygen environment to “inhale”. The honor of being the first falls to units. And it is always very difficult.


Yura Zakharov and Victor Lavrov. Neon 200 experiment.
May-June 1986. Achievement in a neon-oxygen medium "Ball" pressure of 25 atmospheres. In the "Ball" Radion Unku and Oleg Skalatsky. Duration of stay in the "Ball" day. In the living compartment of Valera Antipov. During the decompression period, Timur Huseynov was "slouched" into the living compartment.


Radion Unku. Shot through the porthole "Ball".


Oleg Skalatsky. A relatively recent shot in the baroque complex

Comments A new level of density and pressure has been achieved.

June-August 1986. Achievement in a neon-oxygen medium "Ball" pressure of 40 atmospheres. In the "Ball" Mikhnenko Sasha and Vadim Sementsov.The stay in the "Ball" for two days. In the living compartment, Yura Matveev and Mikhail Krylov.


Prof. Genin A.M. gives last instructions before the record descent. From left to right Vadim Sementsov, Sasha Mikhnenko, Yura Matveev.
From the photo you can estimate the size of the "Ball" compartment.


The decompression period after the transition from the "Ball" to the living compartment.


Vadik called this photo "bread and salt"

It was an amazing day. There was pride for the guys and all of us. I still have a picture before my eyes. The guys "hung" a sheet of paper in the atmosphere of the "Ball". And he hung in the water and did not fall. The spectacle is fantastic and unnatural.

November-December 1987. Achievement in a neon-oxygen medium "Ball" pressure of 25 atmospheres. In the "Ball" Yura Zakharov and Timur Huseynov. Duration of stay in the "Ball" - 9 days. In the residential compartment of Khudzinsky and Expenses.

Comments The first long stay in the neon-oxygen atmosphere of the "Ball".

Yura Zakharov and Timur Huseynov in the "Ball". Shot through the porthole



Working record when performing maximum physical activity (to failure)


I am 32 on decompression. The congratulatory regime has been suspended


Timur Huseynov immediately after leaving the pressure chamber

December 1987. A long stay in a neon-oxygen medium at a pressure of 35 atm was planned. But due to the incomplete tightness of the system or some other reasons, the reserves of neon did not allow the experiment to be carried out completely. A pressure of 25 ata was reached in the Ball compartment. And the whole experiment was "shortened." The crew of the "Ball" - Shura Mikhnenko and Misha Shishchenko. Vadik Sementsov, Vitya Lavrov, and Mikhail Bobrovnitsky insured in the residential compartment.
I just published a list of all the hyperbaric work carried out at the barocomplex of the Southern branch of the Institute of Oceanology. This material was sent by Vadim Sementsov. The list contains accurate information on all works and clarifies the information that was given earlier. The experiments on the Neon cycle are highlighted in yellow. The presented list gives an idea of the gigantic scientific and practical work.
It is difficult to describe the internal state after exiting the pressure chamber.

Perhaps this is the most emotionally vivid impression of my life. Mixed with fatigue, sadness, pride, amazing inner calm and harmony with oneself. The next day, in the evening, I was sitting on the seashore. I watched and listened. Other participants sat nearby. We pretended not to see each other. I did not want to talk.

About a week before the start of the experiment, I had a son. It turned out to fly in and pick up my wife and son from the hospital. Literally immediately flew to Gelendzhik. When I arrived after the experiment, my son was already several months old.

Sasha Mikhnenko died of a stroke in 1995 at the age of 46.

Yura Zakharov died of acute heart failure in 1999, also at the age of 46.

Misha Bobrovnitsky died at about the same age. I’m embarrassed, but at the moment I have no data on the year of death and its official reason

Yura Matveev is disabled. He tried unsuccessfully for a long time to prove that disability is associated with hyperbaric work. He lives on a pension, the figures of which are better not to be called.

I would not want to draw a parallel between these sad events and the experiment.

Perhaps the uncertainty and lack of money of the 90s played a role. People who were able to do what nobody achieved in the World turned out to be unnecessary. Someone went into small business. One, as an exception, is large. According to rumors, there is someone who is engaged in diamond mining in Mozambique. Only Vadik Simentov continued to engage in underwater affairs. First organized a private scuba school. Then he went to Vietnam for some kind of underwater work. For five years there has been no information about him.

However, the fact that the experiment was not conducive to health, I can definitely say this without going into personal details. But all the participants in the experiment passed a rigorous selection for health, both bodily and psycho-emotional. We were selected by the same system that selected the astronauts.There is a strange coincidence, Yura Zakharov and Sasha Mikhnenko in the non-oxygen environment "Shara" were twice.

The participants in the experiment in the workbook have a note of gratitude for the 3 Main Directorate (and not everyone, for example, somehow forgot about Vitya Lavrov) and the award. At one time it was a matter of serious state awards. But when there were dozens of people on the lists, everything quietly faded. There is also a version that at the top just got into a fight.

I can definitely say when they worked, nobody thought about the awards. As well as health hazards. And nobody dragged by force into the experiment. On the contrary, it was an honor to get there and work out, as it should be for men.
Memoirs and comments of Victor Lavrov about the Neon experiment

I first got acquainted with the laboratory of I.P. Poleshchuk in 1984. Then the interagency commission allowed descent in a helium-oxygen medium up to 450 m. And I was the only resuscitator in the clinical department of the IBMP of the Ministry of Health of the USSR who received medical commission access to diving operations to “extreme depths”. By the way, the IBMP offered a descent of up to 500 m. The military objected to this. Since they were building a 500 m altitude chamber in their city of Lomonosov (40th Institute), and they had already planned a record for diving in the USSR. And the advance of the warriors by some civilians was not included in their plans.
They really did a descent to 500 m in the early 90s. And quite, rightly, the guys participating in this experiment received the title of heroes of the Soviet Union. Our guys, who made the descent to 450 m for 6 years before that, also perfectly deservedly became “excellent students of healthcare”.

In 1984, he first got to the base of the Institute of Oceanology in the glorious city of Gelendzhik. Where he participated in the medical support of the Helium-450 experiment.
In 1986, the IBMP Scientific Council approved a cycle of hyperbaric experiments in a neon-oxygen environment. I participated in the first experiment of this cycle - "Neon 200". In this experiment, for the first time in the World, a descent in a neon-oxygen medium to a pressure of 20 atmospheres was carried out, and a transition from a non-oxygen medium to a helio-oxygen medium. The fact is that a change in the gaseous medium was theoretically dangerous for the development of decompression sickness due to isobaric anti-diffusion.
The crew of the Shar compartment included Yura Zakharov and Viktor Lavrov. In the living compartment, Igor Malovatsky insured us.
Compression in the "Ball" was very slow, about 1 m per minute. At 200 m came in the normal mode. In the neon-oxygen atmosphere were a day. The entire complex of planned studies on physical activity and external respiration was completed.
A little about the transition - the most risky stage of the experiment. When the passageway opened, there was a sensation as if it were blowing in a fresh wind. And immediately it became easier to breathe. After a transition of 5-10 minutes, skin itching of the posterior surfaces of the lower legs and thighs began, which lasted 2-3 hours. It must be said that the scientific supervisor of the experiment A. Genin suggested the possibility of complications up to Meniere's syndrome. But everything worked out pretty well.
Soon, Timur Huseynov was "sacked" into our living quarters to practice the method of assisted ventilation.
He’s a good man and could come up with something more pleasant. With this technique, it was necessary to draw a rather thick tube into the trachea through the nose. And do it yourself. That is, the feelings I will tell you more. When trained on the ground when a catheter enters the esophagus instead of the trachea, the gag reflex prevailed over all other senses. And the corresponding sounds spread throughout the baroque complex. There was an impression that a company of soldiers was poisoned by moonshine. But strangely enough, probably thanks to the training, everything went smoothly enough in the pressure chamber.
And with Timur there was a dumb episode. He overdid it with spraying lidocaine into the trachea and swam. He turned pale, began to fall on his back and turned off for a few seconds. True, after a couple of minutes he got over and cheerfully continued his work.
After the end of this experiment, the Scientific Council of IMBP decided on a complete series of experiments in a neon-oxygen medium. At 250, 350 ...

Laboratory workers I.P. Polishchuk (Unku R.D., Simentsov V.N., Mikhnenko A.E., Shchishchenko M.S.), clinical department staff L.L. took part in this series of experiments. Stazhadze and laboratories I.B. Goncharova. (Huseynov T.Yu., Matveev Yu.A., Lavrov V.), employee 3 GU Bobrovnitsky MP, employees of the Southern Department of the Institute of Oceanology Oleg Skalatsky, Valera Antipov, Misha Krylov.

All of the above, and Suvorov Sasha, Rodchenkov Sergey, Bogdanov Volodya, Tutubalin Volodya, Antipov Valera, Skudin Vlora, Podymov Volodya, Oleg Kuprikov, Yurchik Tolya, Spirkov P.S., Masheiko V, Khabizhozhin Khaidar, Yuri Falkov, took part in the provision.
report Subjective sensations during the stay in the Ball compartment
Huseynov T.Yu.​

Subjective sensations during the stay in the "BALL" compartment.
1. When assessing overall well-being, one can distinguish periods during which subjective sensations were to a certain extent persistent and characteristic.
The compression period and the next 4-6 hours after it.
Upon reaching 4-6 ata, there was a crunch in large joints, discomfort during movements in them, a slight feeling of heaviness in the head. At 7-8 ata, difficulty in breathing through the nose appeared. At 10-15 ata, discomfort during movements in large joints reached a maximum, discomfort appeared during movements in small joints (phalanx). Upon reaching 20-25 ata maximum, the feeling of “heaviness in the head”, fatigue, drowsiness reached. An hour's sleep significantly reduced these phenomena. When breathing, especially when coughing, there was an unpleasant feeling of large pressure drops in the lungs. When coughing, he tried to stretch the cough push in time to smoothly strain the muscles, especially the abdominal press. The volumes of forced inspiration and expiration were physically perceived as limited. At the same time, reserves for increasing the speed of inspiration were less than for exhalation. At a certain rate of entry of the respiratory mixture into the lungs, the respiratory muscles of the breath could not provide a further increase in the volume of the incoming respiratory mixture. However, all these sensations were not in the nature of "lack of air." Addiction to them went quickly - within 4-6 hours. In the same time limits after compression, the feeling of heaviness in the head decreased significantly.
Discomfort from the temperature regime was especially pronounced in the same period. A surge of heat arose, accompanied by severe sweating and a feeling of cold with chills. Perhaps there was a combination of both.
Upon reaching 25 ata, tremor (trembling) of the fingers was noted for 10-20 minutes. There are no other manifestations that can be attributed to the NSDS.
The first three days of stay at a pressure of 25 ata.
This period was mainly characterized by increased fatigue and drowsiness. After physical activity, any activity, even eating, I wanted to relax. Rapid adaptation to circling conditions was observed.

Features of breathing remained, but were not perceived as dangerous. Only cough caused unpleasant sensations. The cough tremors did not provide an ejection of the mixture from the trachea. There was pain in the diaphragm area. A strong feeling of "lack of air" arose once - on the first night after compression, during sleep. Awoke. There was no panic. I was convinced that normal for this environment 5-6 breaths per minute, enough for ventilation.The pulse was rhythmic, 36 per minute. Asleep. The feeling of a lesser degree of severity is respiratory discomfort, noted 3-4 times. These episodes always arose in a state of complete rest, in a supine position and were always accompanied by a feeling of nasal congestion. It is possible that a violation of the patency of the respiratory mixture through the nasal passages was one of the main factors in the development of respiratory discomfort. In general, at rest, with good patency of the nasal passages, breathing was completely nasal, with a frequency of 4-6 per minute. In relation to the phases of the respiratory cycle, respiratory discomfort always manifested itself during inspiration. There was an impression of a delay in the intake of the respiratory mixture, a mismatch in the incoming demand volume. The area of the diaphragm “collapsed”, unpleasantly late in inspiration. Close fleeting sensations arose during involuntary insertion of deep breaths at rest.

During this period, sleep disturbance associated with two factors was noted - increased diuresis and a feeling of nasal congestion, woke up 2-3 times during the night.
The next 6 days (before decompression).
The new mechanics of breathing is almost completely addictive. Only cough is unpleasant. Good night's sleep. The head is clear. Respiratory discomfort does not occur. The general state of health is good, the mood is cheerful. It works easily, with pleasure.

Decompression period (in the "Ball").
The general state of health is good. At night 1-2 times he began to wake up during oxygen supply. Unpleasant sensations from the skin and external auditory canals were worried - scratching, itching. I really wanted to take a shower.
With a decrease in pressure to 20 ata, a pronounced subjective change in the mechanics of respiration was noted. It is breathed easily, freely. Forced volumes of inhalation and exhalation increased. Nasal congestion sensation becomes rare. During the change of the gas mixture from neon to helium (opening the gateway between the "ball" and the living compartment), there was a feeling of tingling of the lifting areas of the feet, then the legs, thighs and, to a lesser extent, the lower back. The sensation resembled a nettle burn, lasted 15-20 minutes. Expressed anxiety did not bring.
2. Subjective sensations associated with any activity.
Exercise stress.
In the background, at 1 ata, the cause of failure during the maximum exercise was the fatigue of the leg muscles. At 25 ata, the maximum physical activity in conditions of independent breathing did not reach the level that caused any fatigue of the leg muscles. The reason for the refusal has always been a feeling of excessive exertion on external respiration. However, these sensations were very different from the respiratory discomfort described for the resting state. The sensations were not disturbing and overly unpleasant. They were physiological in nature. Such sensations could well have arisen under heavy load in normal conditions. During exercise, inhalation was perceived as the heavier part of the respiratory cycle. There was no feeling of fatigue of the respiratory muscles. Sputum caused perspiration and coughing. The cough immediately knocked down the correct rhythm of breathing.
At maximum load, against the background of assisted breathing, there was a sharp dissonance between a light breath and a heavy exhalation. Inhale even at a height of the load was perceived easier than at rest. The exhalation resistance did not change. The resulting dissonance to some extent interfered with the regulation of tidal volumes and required adaptation. At low loads, the contribution of auxiliary ventilation was not felt. At the last stages of the load, the positive contribution of auxiliary ventilation was felt distinctly. Against the background of auxiliary ventilation, he reached a load at which the leg muscles were already tired. However, respiratory discomfort remained the cause of the failure. After the end of the load, it was more comfortable to recover in conditions of assisted breathing.
Sputum with this method of carrying out the IPC interfered more.
I had to eat very slowly. The main reason is that during chewing and swallowing, one had to breathe very carefully, or not to breathe at all. If this is not observed, pieces of food flew into the trachea and caused a severe unpleasant cough. Eating turned into a long alternating process of food and ventilation.Despite a slight change in taste, the appetite was always good.
Changes in diction are noted at a pressure of 2 ata. At 25 ata, violations were pronounced, but after several days of adaptation, communication did not interfere. However, it was impossible to speak quickly or continuously - there was a desire to ventilate the lungs (catch your breath). This condition can be described as respiratory discomfort.

All right after the end of the experiments on the "Neon"


Barocomplex. Coming soon.


Neonox external respiration test




Pressure chambers


Rabbit. 3rd shift.

Thats all. Hope, could be interesting for you :)
Sorry for translation by google, otherwise you be able to see it in next year :)
Thank you for posting this, that was Quite Interesting.

While the density of Ne is somewhere between the density of air and the density of He (so, CO2 ventilation issues ought to be somewhere between those as well), do you know anything about the narcotic potential of Ne? It ought to be somewhere between the narcotic potential of He (very small) and of Ar (ridiculously big).

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