Equipment reviews online?

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Does anyone know any online scuba equipment reviews other than Rodales? We are finding Rodales to be very useful in helping us narrow down or search for our first equipment purchase, but there seems to be a large gap in which manufactures they cover. TUSA and Dacor don't seem to get any reviews by Rodales. (there maybe a good reason for this, but as newbie divers, we don't know what it is) Any help in finding unbiased reviews would be appreciated. Any plans that this board might start listing reviews by individual divers?
Steve & Margo
To the best of my knowledge, RSD requests that manufacturers send them the goods, and if the manufacturer refuses, then their product is unavailable for review. As far as equipment reviews, they have no peer, not even on the other side of the Atlantic. Message boards like this one are good sources for some scuttlebutt that i'm sure some manufacturers would rather that you & i, the potential consumers never see or hear, as well as hot tips on truly good products that actually may live up to their hype.
Does anyone know any online scuba equipment reviews other than Rodales?

Hold on to your masks ... There is change in the air ... I can smell it ... hehe ...


The British Diver magazine is an excellent source of reviews. While the do not do as extensive set of tests as Rodale's likes to claim they do, they do a much better job of reporting the results.

Look at:

Good luck.


Thanks Ralph for the link to The British Diving equipment reviews. I'll pop on over and check it out. Wonder if King Neptune is hinting that soon, this board may start posting reviews of equipment from this peer group? I just recently found the RDS message board reviews (dah, right under me nose)and many of the individual reviews were very informative.
Heya King Neptune, when's this gear review gig gonna get off the ground (that was almost a tongue twister)? My booties are now sporting duct tape and my wetsuit is coming apart! Also, my dive knife is a lovely shade of red, brown and whatever other colors can produced by various iron oxides. If i have to patch any more things up with duct tape, i'm gonna change my handle to "mummydiver" 'cause that's what i'll look like on the boat : D
Touchy topic for some ...

Speaking from a 3rd person point of view I will share with you the general "word" that I have witnessed over the past few years from rather experienced and long time divers ...

Reviews shared by other regular divers are always welcomed and very refreshing, unfortunately they are equally as rare. This is why we are running around like chickens with our heads cut off setting up a system whereby all of YOU, the avg Internet divers, can submit your own articles based on YOUR own experience. The PRO's and the CON's alike, not just what (here is where I step on some major toes) the "Highest Bidder" or "Advertiser" pays for.

"there maybe a good reason for this, but as newbie divers, we don't know what it is" - For those of you that don't know, it is no real big secret that companies do not just "send their equipment in and it gets reviewed". Why wouldn't they send it in then, but instead they are charged quite alot for those reviews. This is where we hope to be different.


There's no getting around it. Most online or publication reviews are inadequate. They have a tendency to be influenced by the type of sponsorship/investor funding that is offered to them.

Talk to divers who have been diving for some time. The type of advise you want to listen carefully to is the type coming from the people in the dive industry.

I for one am an Instructor, who's worked on the retail as well as the manufacturing sides of the Scuba industry. If you have any specific questions you'd like to ask me, I'd be more than happy to help.

Mario ; )
Just a follow-on to this thread, we bought our new gear last week. After using it for 3 dives, we posted a non-professional review in the General forum. Hopefully, our review will get moved to the "soon to be announced" Review board once it is set up. Any news King Neptune?

Steve & Margo
Jr. Underwater Explorers
I have found with Dacor regulators that it takes a very long time to get replacement parts when needed.The new conshelf by us divers received good reveiews I us one and love it

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