Eel hit my camera and more muck diving highlights

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Reaction score
Dumaguete, Philippines
# of dives
2500 - 4999
All dives are nice, but in some there is more action than in others. Last week an eel knocked my camera out of my hand, and I witnessed a wrestling match between two crabs, plus a fire worm feeding on a crab. Negros Island, Philippines, at night. Enjoy:

All dives are nice, but in some there is more action than in others. Last week an eel knocked my camera out of my hand, and I witnessed a wrestling match between two crabs, plus a fire worm feeding on a crab. Negros Island, Philippines, at night. Enjoy:

amazing - can you describe your macro and light setup?
Awesome may yet turn me into a muck diving fan!

What are your video recording tools?
Thank you!

It's a TG6, in the Olympus housing, and a cheap-o gorilla tripod. and two no-brand dive lights. The lights are supposedly 2000 lumen, but they aren't. I always found that power in macro videography is not a major factor. I always try to get very close to the subjects, and never max out the zoom.

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