Anyone up to losing 10 lbs w/me?

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I've been absolutely horrendous in the exercise department. With school winding down and being so danged busy, I just feel tired, which isn't a good time to get back on the treadmill. My goal now is once we're back from Bonaire, to get back to my exercise routine. That'll give me the rest of summer vacation to make it part of my day, which will keep me from stopping once school starts again.

In the meantime, I'm making sure that I'm making lifetime changes in my diet that will result in my not gaining the weight back....ever! I'm so tired of "going on a diet" only to gain it back. This time I'm making permanent changes in how/what I eat, which has made me feel totally empowered.

So thus far I've lost a total of 18 pounds and the goal is to lose 4 more before we leave for Bonaire in exactly 6 weeks. :) Once back from Bonaire, I'll set my next goal as I have another 30 pounds that needs to go....but one step at a time, one small goal at a time.
Being in school makes finding the time hard. That being said, when I was in law school I found that making the time was essential b/c it actually helped me be more focused. I dare say that I was healthier then than I am now. Alas! :) have a great time in Bonaire!

I've been absolutely horrendous in the exercise department. With school winding down and being so danged busy, I just feel tired, which isn't a good time to get back on the treadmill. My goal now is once we're back from Bonaire, to get back to my exercise routine. That'll give me the rest of summer vacation to make it part of my day, which will keep me from stopping once school starts again.

In the meantime, I'm making sure that I'm making lifetime changes in my diet that will result in my not gaining the weight back....ever! I'm so tired of "going on a diet" only to gain it back. This time I'm making permanent changes in how/what I eat, which has made me feel totally empowered.

So thus far I've lost a total of 18 pounds and the goal is to lose 4 more before we leave for Bonaire in exactly 6 weeks. :) Once back from Bonaire, I'll set my next goal as I have another 30 pounds that needs to go....but one step at a time, one small goal at a time.

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hi ladies..........ughhhhhhh up a 1/2 pound today. i was so hungry yesterday, maybe from working out the night before, i don't know. i didn't eat anything bad, but i've been trying to stick to 1100 calories since it's crunch time, but yesterday.....i probably ate more like 1400 or so i bet. i've got 7 weeks from today, and really want to lose 10-11 pounds. that's 1.5 pounds a week. not ridiculous, but challenging. anyone got crunch time tips that really help? and don't say that crazy lemonade diet thing. not gonna do that!
Don't do the cayenne pepper lemonade thing. Sounds really nasty.

Here are my thoughts: are you tracking your calories? There is a good site called which can help. You can also get 'calorie credits' for exercise. It is all based upon what you want to loose per week, eat and do. I enjoy using it and when I was seriously doing so last. I don't know what your weight, age, etc. is but 1100 calories seems like you might be under-nourishing your body, which might result in triggering its starvation/storage mode. Check out See if that helps balance your approach a bit.

Otherwise, my only suggestion would be not to stress about a 1/2 gain. It really isn't much of anything and your body weight can actually fluctuate for sooooo many different reasons. Don't sweat the small stuff, right? Just get back on track.
Donnad, have you tried doing a variable diet? Basically what it means is that you have calorie deprivation for only 3 days, then you eat too many calories the 4th day, then repeat. That keeps your body from thinking its starving and not only giving you cravings, but also dropping your metabolism.
So thus far I've lost a total of 18 pounds and the goal is to lose 4 more before we leave for Bonaire in exactly 6 weeks. :) Once back from Bonaire, I'll set my next goal as I have another 30 pounds that needs to go....but one step at a time, one small goal at a time.

18lbs thats great Divemaven! Good job! One step at a time! But you are doing it!!

i've got 7 weeks from today, and really want to lose 10-11 pounds. that's 1.5 pounds a week. not ridiculous, but challenging. anyone got crunch time tips that really help? and don't say that crazy lemonade diet thing. not gonna do that!

Well my diet is working so well I've lost a few too many lbs. Went shopping today and lost from Size 8 to a loose size 3. Can't keep dropping though because I am starting to get too skinny. My challenge is more exercise and to figure out how to ballance & gain a few pounds. Must start eating carbs but I am not sure exactly how much to eat to sustain? It will be tricky because I am leaving for 10 weeks in SE Asia on Saturday.

So Donnad my diet worked great I dropped 1.5-2lbs a week. You can read back in my earlier posts to see details of what I ate. I also did increase my callories every 3-5 days just for a day. Good luck!
i have finally lost seven pounds!! seven to go, (then would like to lose four more after that later after vacation). 32 days til vacation. should be able to lose seven or close to it in 32 days.
Congratulations on the 7 pounds!! You should be very proud of yourself, and now that you have the momentum, those 7 more should just fall off in the next month. :D

I finally broke through my mini-plateau (damn hormones!) and have officially lost 20 pounds now. :D :D :D My goal is 3 more pounds in the next 3.5 weeks (before we leave for Bonaire), then I'll work on the next 30 pounds....10 pounds at a time. :wink:
congrats on the weight loss! Pepsi does me in too. Time to get serious about breaking the habit.

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