Zeagle reg warranty question

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Washington, DC, USA
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200 - 499
I recently bought a new Zeagle reg (Envoy Deluxe) from an authorized dealer over the internet. When I read the warranty card, I found out that my warranty is void because I didn't walk out of my LDS with it. If Zeagle isn't going to honor its warranty for purchases made through internet dealers, why call them 'authorized'? I asked this question through Zeagle's website a month ago and got no response.
I recently bought a new Zeagle reg (Envoy Deluxe) from an authorized dealer over the internet. When I read the warranty card, I found out that my warranty is void because I didn't walk out of my LDS with it. If Zeagle isn't going to honor its warranty for purchases made through internet dealers, why call them 'authorized'? I asked this question through Zeagle's website a month ago and got no response.

Did Zeagle say they were authorized or did the internet dealer say they were authorized.
As long as the dealer is authorized by Zeagle, your manufacturer's warranty will apply. The printing in the manual or cards has not kept up with changes regarding online dealers. I would contact Zeagle directly regarding the dealer you purchased the item from. Anyone can claim to be a dealer, but the only way to confirm this is through the manufacturer themselves.
This is from their site:
CONSUMER ALERT -We have encountered a number of consumer complaints about sales made through internet auction sites and mail order outlets who ARE NOT authorized Zeagle dealers. These have included selling incomplete products, providing poor service, and in some cases selling items represented as being Zeagle products which in fact were not genuine. PLEASE BE SURE YOU ARE PURCHASING FROM AN AUTHORIZED ZEAGLE DEALER!

I checked Zeagle's website and it said the dealer I bought the reg from (scuba.com -- great service, BTW) is an authorized dealer. And I did try to contact Zeagle through their website about this -- they haven't replied after about 4 weeks.
I checked Zeagle's website and it said the dealer I bought the reg from (scuba.com -- great service, BTW) is an authorized dealer. And I did try to contact Zeagle through their website about this -- they haven't replied after about 4 weeks.

Welcome to the board.

Interesting you have not heard from Zeagle, keep an eye out here. ScottZeagle, one of the active members here, is a manager at Zeagle and I can promise you they take customers seriously. Wonder if their mail server is down again.....that has happened a couple of times and they were unaware of it.
Scuba.com has answered your question on warranty, for what it's worth I have seen post by Scott saying the same thing. As long as they are an authorized dealer, you covered.
In another Zeagle thread, ScottZeagle related that the customer's email was caught in the spam filters and never made it through to Zeagle. I wonder if the same thing happened to your email?

By the way, the Zeagle customer got in touch with ScottZeagle here on the board and was completely satisfied with the subsequent service.
In another Zeagle thread, ScottZeagle related that the customer's email was caught in the spam filters and never made it through to Zeagle. I wonder if the same thing happened to your email?

By the way, the Zeagle customer got in touch with ScottZeagle here on the board and was completely satisfied with the subsequent service.
It's possible that the filter caught it, but I doubt it. I used Zeagle's "Contact Us" web form.

I don't know what happened to your email. I have looked back through emails over the last few weeks, and I don't see it.

Is it possible that you might have entered your return email address incorrectly on the online form? If you do that, it will still appear that your email went through to us, but if the return address isn't valid, it will not.

We are working on making our online "Contact Zeagle" form better...it just takes a little time and effort.

As far as you original complaint goes - the other folks are correct. If you buy it online, through an authorized dealer, your warranty will be in full effect. It is always best to keep your original sales reciept in a safe place, as that is your proof of purchase!


Thanks, Scott. It's always possible these fat fingers typed the address wrong.

You might want to put something on your web page with the current correct warranty for people looking it up. I checked the warranty online before my original post (by looking at the Envoy manual in pdf format) and it still says that you have to walk out of the lds with the reg for the warranty to be valild.

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