Zeagle Halo

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For a jacket BC, it seems pretty nice. I prefer back-inflate, so wouldn't consider this one, but everyone has different preferences. If you prefer jacket, and can stomach the top of the line pricing, then I don't doubt that this would be a great BC. It's got two features that you won't find in other BCs. Personal Fit Sizing and Ripcord weight release. I'm a fan of both.

PFS. I needed to swap out the shoulder section on my Stiletto for a larger size, which made that BC fit perfect. If you find yourself wondering which size BC you should get because one is a little too big in one area, and the other is little too small in another area, PFS can help to get the BC to fit you perfectly.

Rip-Cord. Some love it, some hate it. I'm in the love it camp, and I suspect that a lot of those in the hate it camp have never actually used it, they are just parroting what others (maybe dive shops not selling Zeagle) are saying. Rethreading the Ripcord is pretty easy once you learn how. It's actually fairly intuitive. Granted, re-threading a deployed Ripcord does take a bit longer than re-inserting a weight pocket. But, you can dump the Ripcord one handed, where the others all require two. Also, the Ripcord doesn't require special pockets. So, that comment about re-threading taking a bit longer than inserting pockets may be moot as the pockets are likely to be sitting on the ocean floor, so finding replacements will be necessary. Zeagle sells "yellow thingies" to make it easier to hand up to the boat, but they aren't required for operation.

The Halo looks to be using some of the same materials that Zeagle has used for years. Materials that have earned Zeagle BCs a reputation for durability, so I have no doubts that this BC will last a long time. Looks like there will be a few other Zeagle jacket BCs coming soon if you were looking for something a bit cheaper. Doesn't look like those others will have PFS or Ripcord, though.
Waiting for the BP/W crowd......
9 years late but just bought one for $375 as my first owned BCD. I know I want to eventually have BP/W but the low price right now makes me feel okay with spending additional money later down the line on BP/W.

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