Zeagle Envoy Deluxe

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Reaction score
Raleigh, NC
# of dives
500 - 999
I am looking at purchasing my first reg. After talking to my LDS the zeagle envoy deluxe was recommended to me at a price of $324. They have the envoy for $274. Two question.
1. Is the extra money for the deluxe worth it? The difference is you can alter the cracking pressure.

2. Does this sound like a reasonable deal price wise?
I have 2 Envoys as they primary and secondary, and although at one point thought about having them upgraded, I've since decided not to. Why? Because in the almost 150 dives I've put on them, I've never once felt like I needed to make any adjustments, so why bother with a knob I won't use?

I bought mine from ScubaToys: Envoy is $279, Envoy octo is $129....but that's before the SB 10% discount. Your LDS is right on with price IMO.
You may do two things in the future..
1. Get out of diving
2. Get a better rig as you learn and become a better diver

I would go with the lower priced and if you don't do no. 1 you sure will no. 2

Best of luck to ya!
I got my Envoy about a year 1/2 ago, and I was having the same debate. I chose the Envoy over the Deluxe because I realized that I never used the adjustments on other regs anyway, and the standard Envoy had such good reviews. I dove to 98' to get a photo of a Tinkers Butterflyfish in Hawaii and could not detect any problem in breathing.

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