I decided to avail myself of this great scubaboard.com feature to mention an upcoming trip to a pristine, nearly untouched area in the Yucatan, near Cancun. Since I eschew wetsuit diving when possible, my tastes run more to tropical locations...
Shameless plug: I have enjoyed several marvelous dive trips over the last couple of years with a ready cadre of experienced, dedicated dive buddies through SingleDivers.com and I heartily endorse both the site and the membership there. From NC Wrecks to pristine Turks and Caicos liveaboard diving to more popular destinations around the Caribbean and the world (Truk Lagoon has become an annual favorite), Kamala's website for buddyless divers offers something for most any budget. (Incidentally, this is a site for buddyless divers, whether single, married/spoken for with a non diving partner, etc. It is not a singles hookup site; as Kamala is fond of pointing out, "Our hookups are only to tanks!")
Which brings me to this: I am currently saving up for a seat to a new destination coming up in late April. It is near Cancun, but far enough down the Yucatan that it still qualifies as remote and pristine. There are still seats available, as booking only recently has started. Here is a link to the Xcalak & Chinchorros Trip I'm talking about:
2012-04: Xcalak & Chinchorro...Remote Locales...April 28-May 5th - SingleDivers.com Surface Interval INDEX
Check it all out at SingleDivers.com Surface Interval INDEX and tell 'em "Brad, the Journeyman Hedonist" sent you. *grins*
I decided to avail myself of this great scubaboard.com feature to mention an upcoming trip to a pristine, nearly untouched area in the Yucatan, near Cancun. Since I eschew wetsuit diving when possible, my tastes run more to tropical locations...
Shameless plug: I have enjoyed several marvelous dive trips over the last couple of years with a ready cadre of experienced, dedicated dive buddies through SingleDivers.com and I heartily endorse both the site and the membership there. From NC Wrecks to pristine Turks and Caicos liveaboard diving to more popular destinations around the Caribbean and the world (Truk Lagoon has become an annual favorite), Kamala's website for buddyless divers offers something for most any budget. (Incidentally, this is a site for buddyless divers, whether single, married/spoken for with a non diving partner, etc. It is not a singles hookup site; as Kamala is fond of pointing out, "Our hookups are only to tanks!")
Which brings me to this: I am currently saving up for a seat to a new destination coming up in late April. It is near Cancun, but far enough down the Yucatan that it still qualifies as remote and pristine. There are still seats available, as booking only recently has started. Here is a link to the Xcalak & Chinchorros Trip I'm talking about:
2012-04: Xcalak & Chinchorro...Remote Locales...April 28-May 5th - SingleDivers.com Surface Interval INDEX
Check it all out at SingleDivers.com Surface Interval INDEX and tell 'em "Brad, the Journeyman Hedonist" sent you. *grins*