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hi its me bob carr
my real name is brendan carr

armidale is in australia in the hills. so does any one know any ausie dive site suitable for a new diver

thank all
hi form australia
and a Warm Welcome from ARIZONA the all beach no ocean state of yesterday.

glad to have you aboard the BOARD just sit back and wait advice is on its way
and a welcome from one of the other "colonies" hehehe Brenda, hi there from Ottawa Canada. You'll enjoy visiting the board - it's a great please to learn, and meet some interesting people
Here's a not so warm but wet welcome from the Pacific North West! You'll find plenty of awesome info here. Have fun!
Bob carr,
Welcome from NJ!
You are at the right place for almost any scuba info you can think of- hope you get answers to your question about local (for you) dive sites.
good luck,
Welcome to the board from Melbourne, Florida. Yes Bob, there is another Melbourne. This is a nice place to visit when you can't get wet.

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