Whites Thermal Fusion Undergarment -- BRAND NEW!!

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Whites Thermal Fusion Undergarment -- Retail Price $449

Brand New (not even received yet from vendor) -- Great opportunity to request your size and get a GREAT deal...

I won this during a drawing at a dive expo and do not dry suit dive -- hence no need. I'm much rather have the value (or near value) to purchase something I need like a dive computer or UW photo gear.

Cash or trades accepted.

I've found one website online that lists this, http://www.diverightinscuba.com, but they list it at the MSRP. I've called a local dealer and they phone quote the MSRP, but also hint they may be able to do 10% better. That said, make an offer of what you feel is a fair price -- honestly, I'd like someone here to get a good deal without me feeling like I got ripped off -- win / win...

I'm in the process of arranging shipment of the item from the vendor and intend to request a LG/XL size as this is what I would wear if I kept it...

Sizing Chart:
*Sport Diving - Thermal Fusion - Undergarment - Whites Diving
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Whites Thermal Fusion Undergarment -- Retail Price $449
I'm not certain what price dealers are getting on this as the online places don't seem to list it (too new?). So, make an offer...

a little confused - you list the retail price and said online dealers aren't listing it....but you have the price (online prices will be the MSRP and here, the first place I looked, they have the price: Whites Thermal Fusion | Dive Right In Scuba - Plainfield, IL.

What are you asking for it?
a little confused - you list the retail price and said online dealers aren't listing it....but you have the price (online prices will be the MSRP and here, the first place I looked, they have the price: Whites Thermal Fusion | Dive Right In Scuba - Plainfield, IL.

What are you asking for it?

I hadn't used that shop and it was the only one that appeared in Froogle -- I expected to see LeisurePro. In any case, that shop/link shows the same prices as is the price on the Whites website (what I was referring to). How about 375?
I've received this undergarment from the vendor... as stated L/XL size. Pics below. Any interest, send a PM...


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