which macro settings for N90S?

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Brisbane Australia
Hi All
I'm just trying to figure out which are the best settings for macro photography using the N90S. There are quite a few options on the camera and was wondering which you found produced the best results?
I know it all depends what sort of picture you are hoping to get..but I would just like to know in which general direction I should be trying it out on.
I use an F-100, but I have also used these settings with an N-90s. I normally shoot in aperture priority, to better control depth of field. Metering set to Spot. Single servo auto focus. It's normally too hard to chase things around when shooting macro, so continuous servo just burns up your batteries. Since depth of field is narrow and critical I normally shoot F-22. Though F-32 will yield more depth of field, it can soften the image a little. Flash set to TTL. I use two strobes so there is plenty of light, though I have gotten some excellent results with only one strobe. Can't remember anything else off the top of my head that relates to your camera. Of course these are setting that I start with, others may use totally different settings with success. Feel free if you have more specific questions. Here are a couple of examples

Hi there,

In general, I use f22 or smaller on my 105mm. TTL with two YS-60 strobes. If I am shooting something bigger like fish portrait with my 60mm, I sometimes open up my aperture a bit more. Shutter speed of 1/100 or more in manual mode. This setup will usually gives you black background if you have a column of water behind your subject. Blue backgrapund is another story.


To my understanding, generally shutter speed means zilch with Flash Photography underwater. Using velvia film ( ISO 50) and no flash, will give you a black picture at 10-15 meters on s=100.

The flash speed is about 1/4000 of a second, and as such the flash will be on and off long before the shutter can react. ( bit like a 18 year old light weight boxer up against a 80 year old guy )

Thus the flash and the appeture will do the exposure , not the shutter speed. ( thats why GN # are not quoted with speeds, only appetures ! )

Of course, at shallow depths and bright sunlight and Provia or fast film ( i.e 400) the S&A will become critical.


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