When is it appropriate to post in 'Forum' or 'Blog' or 'Articles'?

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Teaching Neutral Diving
Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Melbourne Florida
# of dives
5000 - ∞
SB Staff,

I have looked but could not find any SB guidance for posting threads in the Blog or Articles sections (I did read the FAQs and got a general guideline). I am sure there are some…as just about every subject has been covered at one point in time.

I have been posting comments or posing questions in the Forum section, but have been considering the Blog or Articles section as well.
What are the general purposes for each section, Forum, Blog and Articles? I see the Forum’s as a place to pose a question or post that general comment. And then SB members rely with their viewpoints or insights. But what about Blogs and Articles? To me these look a little more developed in content, but I could not differentiate between the Blog or Articles sections? When it it appropriate to use either a Blog or write an Article?

Are there SB Official Rules and Guidelines for posting a Blog or Article? Do SB Staff edit the post for content prior to posting, similar to a magazine article?
I am just curious as that I like to write and I would like to develop some articles or a Blog.


Hi Michael,

There are no official SB rules, but this might clear things up for you...

The forum is a great place to get answers to questions or have a discussion.

If you have something you would like to share with the dive community such as, recent trips, dive tips, equipment reviews, etc then I would suggest you consider starting a blog.

Articles are usually reserved for industry professionals and/or writers, but if you feel that a blog or forum post is exceptional and would like to share it with the rest of the community, you can send a request to support at scubaboard.com (support@scubaboard.com). Keep in mind that not all article requests are approved. Also, requesting us to promote your post/blog to article is also giving us permission to have editorial control.

Happy posting!

Thanks...that cleared up what I thought and how to meet my desires for now and the future...

Happy Bubbles and Merry Christmas.


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