I am in a rush right now so will give some details later.
Depending on the dive halves might be excessive and thirds might not even be enough...
On all scenarios assume no penetration and no deco...
1) Descent and ascent with no need to make an unline or anchor line (dift for pick up)...
No thirds or halves... just figure your Rock Bottom and dive until you reach Rock Bottom or the NDL.
2) Descent with optional use of up line for ascent means you have access to direct assent if needed so halves can be used... should a failure occur then you would just do a direct ascent. In this case you need to back Rock Bottom out of your supply then figure
halves then subtract that from total supply to get turn pressure... you must still make sure not to go past NDL.
3) Descent with manditory ascent using up line means you need to back Rock Bottom out of your supply then figure
thirds then subtract that from total supply to get turn pressure... you must still make sure not to go past NDL but that is unlikely.
For instance... if you only figure thirds on a dive where you absolutely need to get back to the up line and you have a failure at the furthest point.... and your buddy needs to use his third of your gas to get back to the line you are in trouble... you have used one third going out and the other two thirds coming back... but you still must make the ascent! Straight thirds does not work for OW... you need to keep a Rock Bottom in reserve.
Rock Bottom is the amount you and your buddy need to make it to the surface (or first gas switch for deco diving) making all stops and ascending at no more than 30fpm. This reserve gas is not what you need to get back onto the boat with... this is the gas you need to use for ascent times two (your buddy.)
I explain how to figure this Rock Bottom in another thread (I think about snorkels

) and you can do a search to find it. Having an abitrary reserve of whatever psi that you really have no plan for is unwise IMO.... better to figure out ahead of time what your Rock Bottom reserve is for various max depths.
Shoot this wasn't brief at all.... well... I still gotta rush but if there are any questions put 'em here: