I put myself through college where I learned to scuba dive.....As a journalism major.... I thought that I should learn to scuba dive in the event I would ever have to do a story on someone like Jacques Cousteau....I never thought when I founded Diveheart 24 years ago that Diveheart would be would be world wide and change the scuba diving community forever....NOW....I need your help. Diveheart can coast....and still be on top....or we can scale up...take a risk and build a deep therapy pool....first in the world....rarer than rare.....it takes money.....if you can introduce me to affluence's.....or influencers....this is my cell 630-408-1920....and email jim.elliott@diveheart.org.....we're ready to go
#help #hope #change #empathy #freedom #change #awareness
#help #hope #change #empathy #freedom #change #awareness