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I fought w/ Rick to get my 2 e-cert cards (What a pain) & paid for them. Was told I would be getting actual cards. That was a month ago... Anybody having problems? He seems to not be a very happy person.... Help!!!
so.. I don't know about Rick but I do know that many instructors are having difficulty getting cert cards quickly. I have heard that it can take up to a few weeks.(a month or longer I have heard on some special occasions) I know this only second hand but have heard it from multiple IDEA instructors.
I fought w/ Rick to get my 2 e-cert cards (What a pain) & paid for them. Was told I would be getting actual cards. That was a month ago... Anybody having problems? He seems to not be a very happy person.... Help!!!
They should notify and tell people up front. But they sure take the money out quickly that shouldn't till cards are shipped. It's sounds like a I'll get to it when I get to it theme . This is 2024.

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