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Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
I'm the new-biest of the newbs. I just wanted to say Hi!

I'm from Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. I've wanted to get certified for about 3 or 4 years now, but always a case of bills, job, etc. getting in the way. Boss-lady finally gave in, so I'm off to our LDS in March, where I'm going to take the classes with my Brother-In-Law. I can't wait!

I've spent the last 14 hours I think just running around researching - I want to get in the water yesterday. I already own the mask, flippers, fin, etc. for the class. Obviously, I don't want to buy anything else until I get a feel for things, but the emotional side of me wants to run out and buy a dry suit just so I can play in our pool!

Anyway - cheers everyone!
Boogie711, isn't it awesome, when that love of what you put off so long finally, really hits you. You just can't stand the wait. I remember, how infinitely long the gap between the orientation meeting with my open water scuba instructor and the first pool session was the single longest period in my entire life - except maybe holding my wife's hand during her labor for our first child - <ha>

Welcome to Scubaboard! You'll find this to be one of the best places for anything you want to know about scuba diving! And if the question hasnt yet been answered......just post it!!!

Good luck on your course, I'm sure you'll be addicted in no time (if your not already by the sounds of it!)

Look forward to seeing your posts with updates on how its going!
Let me be the second Wisconsinite to welcome you. It's great to see your excitement. Good luck. Dive safe.
Welcome to the boards! Plan a trip someplace warm where you can dive after you get certified and start diving.
Welcome to the board. And if you don't understand something in class. Ask questions. And have fun. Stay wet.
welcome to the boards Boogie711. Nice to have another local on the board:)

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