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island bound

Reaction score
Las Vegas, Nevada
I am coming to Mahahual this summer for 2 weeks to dive and look at property. I am very interested in knowing if there is any sort of major "no-see-um infestation of this area. I was in Roatan last summer and was practically eaten alive by by these little buggers. I mean it was bad. I can deal with sand fleas, mosquistos, flies and so on. But to have a vacation ruined over a bug you never even see was just too much for me. Before some one tells me oh they're no big deal, I am allergic to bee stings which explains my reactions to these things and most other insect bites. It's just having hundreds and hundreds of bites really ruined my trip and views of Raotan. Please let me know what you all know about this. I'd ask about the diving, but am sure that would be a redundant question. I am excited about our Mahahual adventure. Any advice, suggestions, help would be greatly appreciated. Does anyone live there full or part time? If so please let know how life is there. Again, thanks and great diving to all.

Welcome, You might have better luck here with some of the world class travelers.

Good Luck with your upcoming adventure !
Hello Michael,
welcome (Scub)aBoard! :balloon

BTW, where is Mahahual?
Hello Michael, my name is Matt. I would like to welcome you to ScubaBoard!

Take care and Safe Diving. :butnhome:

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