Weight pouch

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Oahu, Hawaii
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Found a weight pouch. It is in like new shape. Not sure what brand but it seems to match up with the XS Scuba Advantage BC (from what I can rtell from online pics).

$12 Includes shipping.


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Don't try to sell it...put a flyer up near where you found it or post it up on a local dive forum.
Did you browse this forum:
Lost, Found and Stolen
to see if it's original owner is seeking it?

No I did not. I am sure if the owner wants it enough, they are capable of findiong this post here.

I f you are really concerned about it, please feel free to cross post this over there... you can do the leg work.

---------- Post added May 12th, 2012 at 10:16 AM ----------

Don't try to sell it...put a flyer up near where you found it or post it up on a local dive forum.

Thanks for the advice.

1. The dive site I found it at was over 100 miles away from where I live. Thanks for the advice to go back there to hang a flyer... I think I will pass on that.

2. I am posting on the biggest forum here to get the word out.

3. It's $12 bucks! $6 of that is taken up in shipping charges. Do you really think I am being unreasonable in my asking price considering I know what depth I was at to recover it. Tell you what. If someone who lost this thing is really out there and sees this, and wants it back, all they have to do is describe where it was lost and I will gladly give it to them. Dhboner, do you think it would be fair of me to actually ask them to pay the shipping charges to get it back to them.... I certainly aint going to ask about my time and gas to bet it to the post office as I think I already know your answer to that.
No I did not. I am sure if the owner wants it enough, they are capable of findiong this post here.

I f you are really concerned about it, please feel free to cross post this over there... you can do the leg work.

Cool. I cross posted it over in the lost and found.

Good luck finding an owner/buyer!

I'm going to stick up for pensacola racer here.

It seems he likes to recover lost things on dives as he sold me 14 lbs of lead for $1/lb. With shipping it was $2/lb. It's 5/lb a pound at my LDS. In this thread, even if the person who lost it was to ask for it back (unlikely) I bet a PM saying where he lost it would get it back for just shipping. If someone else is missing one, $12 seems cheap for a replacement to me.
No arguement from me, chrpai. I would happily pay shipping and a finders fee for the one my wife lost on the Duane.
I'm going to stick up for pensacola racer here.

It seems he likes to recover lost things on dives as he sold me 14 lbs of lead for $1/lb. With shipping it was $2/lb. It's 5/lb a pound at my LDS. In this thread, even if the person who lost it was to ask for it back (unlikely) I bet a PM saying where he lost it would get it back for just shipping. If someone else is missing one, $12 seems cheap for a replacement to me.


Exactly, I am more than willing to give it back. A little insight on the dive I got your weight AND this pouch from. It was about 2 and a half hours worth of driving to get to the charter boat and of course another 2 and a half hours back home. We double dipped on this particular wreck and first dive WAS with the intention of scootering around the perimeter of the wreck to look for dropped items.. which there is always an abundance of here. I found 2 dive lights.. (before anybody geys up in arms, they were cheap back up lights, had no markings and were given away to people on the boat). I also found 22 pounds worth of weight on standard weight belts and in the quick release pouch.

I was deeper than recreation depths (I am sure now that if you have experience diving in my area, they wreck I was on should become fairly apparent). That being said, there is no way I could handle 22 pounds of additional weight by just strapping it on. Recovering it involved deploying a lift bag and rigging the weight to the bag, then scooterting around the rest of my dive with the bag in hand while adjusting bouyancy of the bag as I got shallower.

I sure aint complaining about it, as it was my decision to do that. I certainly could have left it all on the bottom. I will just about guarntee though that whoever dropped it is neither certified or comfortable to go to the sand to get it back... lets be honest, most folks who are certified to go beyond 130 feet don't go around dropping weights... at least in my experience and the circle of divers I hang out with.

All that being said, I certainly think it is reasonable to ask my current (indeed small) cost for recovery. In my mind, who ever wants it is essentially paying the 6 bucks it costs me to fill my tank for the dive.

SC Hoaty, I was not on the Duane... but you are in the right area.
SC Hoaty, I was not on the Duane... but you are in the right area.


The one my wife lost was 'cause the retainer system sucked. I should say good riddance to it!

Good like finding it a new home.

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