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Join us for another amazing shark encounter. This is the perfect next step from Great White shark diving at Isla Guadalupe for those that want to discover the "Marquis Species" of sharks.
Our latest adventure has it all. We'll introduce you to Tiger sharks ( Galeocerdo cuvier ) and Great Hammerheads ( Sphyrna mokarran) and Grey Reef Sharks (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos) up close and personal. Plus you'll get to fish for tuna along the way, snorkle and play with Spotted Dolphins and dive incredible sites, complete with wrecks, caves and more. Packing as much diving and shark encounters as we can into 7 days is what this latest adventure is all about.

You and 12 other divers will extreme diving for seven days out of West Palm Beach Florida aboard the Bahamas latest long range live aboard "The Dolphin Dream". She is an 86ft expedition trawler re-designed to take 12 divers in private state rooms in safety and comfort.
The 7 day schedule is flexible, with a high emphasis on sharks and shark encounters.

Please contact us for more information and to book your reservation.

Check Out our new Shark video www.extremediving.ca

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