Want to buy: Broken/Unwanted Mares BCD with working AirTrim System

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Scuba Instructor
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Hi there,
I am just trying my luck here
I had an old Mares Dragonfly AirTrim, which the AT system had been damaged. Mares does not have any parts for it, and the BCD, in general is still in very good condition(bladder, plate, straps).
I am hoping to get an old and unwanted BCD with a working AT system, and try to migrate the AT system over to my old BCD. Please let me know if you have one to spare. And your asking price too...
i'm wondering why mares doesn't have parts for a newly introduced system. i just bought my mares bcd today and was told by the dealer that parts are readily available.

are you trying to repair this yourself?
the bcd is about 10 years old...
not longer has any part for an old bcd...
i would love to leave it to the professionals to do the work if i can...
the simplest way to recognize the airtrim system is that airtrim bcd do not have the inflation hose, but a inflation and deflation button at the side of the bcd
hope that helps

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