VR3 versions

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Scuba Instructor
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If one had the VR3 open circuit Trimix version, would that still be usable for EANx or air diving?

Also, if one had the OC EANx version, how much would the upgrade to OC Trimix version cost?


If one had the VR3 open circuit Trimix version, would that still be usable for EANx or air diving?

Simple answer yes. When you are doing your mixes it allows to add the amount of oxygen and helium - range is from 0 to 99.

Also, if one had the OC EANx version, how much would the upgrade to OC Trimix version cost?

Not sure, probably in the region of $100 (as a guess) but all you need to do is give them the serial number of the unit and they send you a new PIN to upgrade

Hope that helps
Two more VR3 questions.....if you have the OC Trimix version, can that be upgraded to the CCR Trimix version - or is that a separate computer altogether?

And the most important question of all......what kind of deco games does it have? :D

For CCR I don't think you have to get a new computer, I think you have to send it in to have some link put on that talks to your CCR (no where near getting a rebreather yet!).

At the moment only one game - you have to lob the octopus over the seaweed and hit the other octopus by entering trajectory and velocity. Not too exciting but apparently there are more in the wings.....

The thing I like about this unit is that I can use it now for my deep air diving and take advantage of the gas switching capability with my deco gases. I also considered the Nitek3 but that won't serve as a trimix backup (other than using in guage mode).

For trimix (certification soon with any luck) I plan to rely primarily on tables but the thought of a backup schedule is nice. In case I fumble my tables?

The bad things I've heard about VR3:
1- I heard it's quite complicated and confusing to program
2- I know a guy who had a button fall out!!!

I heard the customer service is great though. Not from OMS but direct from the manufacturer (Delta?)

I have a VR3 CCR trimix versions and I have done many deco dives with it, so far all on air with 50% and 100% deco gas. The dive computer itself works great, but not when you try to interface it with your computer. II am talking to OMS, Delta and their programmers about some of the "issues".

Programming the VR3 is not hard at all. Just takes time since it only has two buttons.

As for the upgrading to CCR, the software is in your computer (just have to pay for a new PIN), but if you do not have the port you will have to send it back to the UK for them to install it.

Brian Faure
Dive World
Austin, Texas
Originally posted by BFaure
I have a VR3 CCR trimix versions and I have done many deco dives with it, so far all on air with 50% and 100% deco gas. The dive computer itself works great, but not when you try to interface it with your computer. II am talking to OMS, Delta and their programmers about some of the "issues".

Please keep us updated on the software issues. Is the interface standard part of the package or is it optional? I thought I read it was optional. Also looks like at least portions of it are still DOS based. That could be a big part of the issues in itself...

The interface is an added expense if that is what you are asking. The software is all windows based, but it looks like most of it was just ported from DOS, which is why I think there are still issues. FYI, if you do get their software to interface with the VR3 buy the IR plug. Do not use your laptop IR interface, it can really mess up your VR3 (like resetting it completely).

We have noticed during some deco dives that when we did even more extra deep stops that it gave me credit on my deco stops later in the dive. As an example I was doing 1-2 minute stops as early as 120 feet at every 10 feet and but the time I was up to the stop it wanted me to be a good chunk of the deco time was gone.

Another little thing to watchout for with the VR3 is switching profiles. If I was running a profile that has 100% o2 and that was the last gas I was using then on the next dive switch to another profile that does not have 100%...do not think that it will switch the current gas until you do it. I did this on a dive....I was at 80 feet and the setting was 100% and boy was my CNS load was high. Took days for that to clear, good thing it was just a fun dive nothing seriouse like deco....

Brian Faure
Dive World
Austin, Texas

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