vinegar a stinky wet suit cure?

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I am wondering if any household items such as vinegar in water will help get out the stink of wet suits?
You may be able to help reduce the smell of neoprene and sweat with vinegar. However if you visit you LDS, they should have a small sample size solution of soap, designed just for this purpose. I don't have the name of the product handy, but I will check tomorrow and get back on this board with the name and any other info I can. Untill then, a wash with a mild detergent meant for delicate clothing, followed by a really good rinse with fresh water should help.

Oh, and try not to pee in the wet suit, urine has a way of staying attached to neoprene. It can be cleaned, but...Eeewwwwww.
Now that I have said that, how about baking soda? I don't know about the drysuit (do you soak it?) but I have used baking soda on my wetsuit when I soak it, and it seems to do some good. Sink the stink does work, though, at least on wetsuits.
Don't know about the inside of drysuits but for wetsuits and anything made of neoprene, try Listerene™ mouthwash. I've also heard of using Dr. Tishners™ anitseptic but I haven't used it personally. Listerene™ is usually the handiest remedy.
Try using anitbacterial dish soap (I use Dawn) it cures any oder from my suit I soak it for about 5 min. then hang to dry turning inside out after one day = a non stinky suit. also to make my suit go on easy I use a spray bottle mixed with 2/3 water and 1/3 hair conditioner. I have a freediving suit that is imposible to get on without this spray. between the washing and the spray my suits always smell good.
Vinegar works great to get the stink out of just about anything, even works on skunk pee.
Helping yourself to a free handful of Mirazyme samples from your local shop works good too.
A simple rinsing in fresh water after the vinegar soak will get rid of the vinegar smell (after it dries).
2 quarts to a gallon vinegar per bath tub, or a gallon to a large horizontal wash machine at your local laundromat.
I got really lazy one day, and did not wash my wetsuit. When I finally got around to it, it stunk bad! I put it in the wash machine with Febreeze and Woolite on the gentle cycle. No more problems.

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