Videos & Clips on myhomepage

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100 - 199
I just created a personal homepage and put some of my scuba videos and clips on it.

I'm interested to hear some honest feedback on the webpage and the scuba videos.


I'd like to make a couple of suggestions...

One thing I'd like to see is navigation buttons for the photos so I could go from one to the next without hitting the back button and choosing another thumbnail every time. That keeps me from looking at photos every time. I think I got through about 5-6 before I quite.

Larger thumbnails. It's very hard to see them at the size they are now.
Thanks Dee.

I have a few questions if you don't mind.

Right now I'm linking from the thumbnails directly to the picture jpeg. To create the navigation you are describing, does that mean a separate html page for each picture ?

I'm manually writing all the html right now.
Ron...I have no idea HOW you would do it, I'm not very HTML savvy at all.

Enlarging the thumbnail is probably just a matter of changing the script pixel size. I have to clue about the navigation buttons.
dee is what you are tallking about similar to what is in your gallery ?

if thats the case then i can write out a explination, as im in school for webdesign and in the middle writing a personalized gallery program for my own use.

Scubatooth once bubbled...
dee is what you are tallking about similar to what is in your gallery ?

if thats the case then i can write out a explination, as im in school for webdesign and in the middle writing a personalized gallery program for my own use.


Yes, that's what I mean...or something very similar to it.

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