Victoria Dive Clubs or LDS groups/buddies

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Reaction score
Victoria, B.C.
# of dives
25 - 49
I am recently OW certified, and I am eager to get in as much diving as I can over the winter. I am trying to find dive clubs/dive stores/or people who are active in the Victoria area to dive with. Can anyone make suggestions?


Some of the dive shops have 'drop-in' dives on weekend mornings (meet at the shop at 0930, go out at 1000) and certain weeknights during the winter for night dives.

You just show up and go diving with whomever else shows up. The group decides where to go based on weather, tides and experience level. The shop provides a DM who assesses everyone and helps assign buddies.

It is a great way to get diving experience and meet people.

Check the websites or call:
Frank White's Dive Shop (Saturday am dives)
Great Ocean Adventures (Sunday am dives, Tues night dives)
Welcome Asmackofjellyfish to fun, yet expensive sport here in Victoria!

Yes most shops here offer a "Drop in Dive" ... Just need to phone a store and ask when the next one is... Saturday at 10am at Frank Whites and I believe Sunday at 10am at Great Ocean Adventures.

I recience the Victoria Dive Club EMails but honestly have never attened an event or meeting... Dunno why, just haven't got involved... Should though. I know there is a club at UVic and the base in Esq.

I do a lot of diving out here and if your ever in need of a buddy with local experience feel free to PM here on ScubaBoard. Usually out 4-8 times a week and more than willing to dive with you...



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