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can someone recomend dive operators in Veracruz and hows the diving??

Hi cwaver. I regularly dive in Veracruz with Scubaver (+52-2299323994,, and I highly recommend them. The reefs here are beautiful, part of a protected marine park: good coral formations and abundant marine life. There is also a 90ft wreck in the area that is frequently dived (El Riva Palacio). Viz ranges from 10-20m, but it can get murky when it rains due to the nearby river. Temperatures range from 18 (feb) to 28 (sep)
deg celcius. The reefs are about 20-30min boat ride out of the harbour for the nearest sites, and about 1hr for the Anton Lizardo area. Scubaver operates in both sites.

The conditions in the winter are not ideal since there are regular nortes (northern winds), and the harbour might close, but I actually do manage to dive in the winter too, even having to plan my dive trips from Puebla (3hrs away). The high season for Veracruz is April to September, when nortes are rare. If you plan to dive during the winter, please be in close contact with your dive operator, so that they monitor the weather forecasts and tell you in advance whether you are likely to be diving in the particular date of your choice.

If you plan to dive with any other dive operators, you can PM me if you like. There are a couple of operators that I would definetely warn you against. I have heard that "Dorado Buceo" is also good, comparable to Scubaver, but I myself have not dived with them.

Let me know if you need any more info.



Well... actually those are from the north of Veracruz State: Isla de Lobos is not part of the Veracruz Marine Park, and there are no operators in the zone that I know. This island is mostly dived in an "expedition" type of operation, and there are several clubs that regularly organize excursions to it during the spring/summer months.

There are some pics of a REEF course I took in the Veracruz Marine Park at
That's more like what you will find in Veracruz Harbour (the main city of the State of Veracruz) .

Well... actually those are from the north of Veracruz State: Isla de Lobos is not part of the Veracruz Marine Park, and there are no operators in the zone that I know. This island is mostly dived in an "expedition" type of operation, and there are several clubs that regularly organize excursions to it during the spring/summer months.

There are some pics of a REEF course I took in the Veracruz Marine Park at
That's more like what you will find in Veracruz Harbour (the main city of the State of Veracruz) .

I would like to dive there. I used to do bussiness there before I started diving. I used to live in Texas.
I would like to dive there. I used to do bussiness there before I started diving. I used to live in Texas.

If you are back to the central Mexico area, I think the trip to Veracruz is worth it. As you probably know, it is only a 5hr drive from Mexico City. Viz is not Cozumel-like, and I do not particularly like the beaches in the State either, but the reefs make for an excellent local diving site in my opinion. Veracruz Harbour is mainly dived by national divers, and the summer months can actually be quite busy. I like going to Veracruz also for the food (great seafood in Boca del Río), the Saturday danzón in the Zócalo, and the archeological sites. There is also some decent rafting in the area.

This is making me feel very nostalgic: unfortunately I cannot dive now due to medical problems -- I am on the dry deck for at least 6 months.
If you are back to the central Mexico area, I think the trip to Veracruz is worth it. As you probably know, it is only a 5hr drive from Mexico City. Viz is not Cozumel-like, and I do not particularly like the beaches in the State either, but the reefs make for an excellent local diving site in my opinion. Veracruz Harbour is mainly dived by national divers, and the summer months can actually be quite busy. I like going to Veracruz also for the food (great seafood in Boca del Río), the Saturday danzón in the Zócalo, and the archeological sites. There is also some decent rafting in the area.

This is making me feel very nostalgic: unfortunately I cannot dive now due to medical problems -- I am on the dry deck for at least 6 months.
Thats Sad.
But the food is great there. I agree.
Question? Have you ever dove the pacific side and if so whats the best places?
Question? Have you ever dove the pacific side and if so whats the best places?
I cannot offer any help there: I have not dived the Mexican Pacific, but if you search this board, you will find a pretty consistent recommendation for Baja.
Thanks to everyone for the answer to cwaver. He was asking for me.

I dove with scubaver for 2 days, and was very pleased. The reefs a few miles off veracruz are quite varied. the first dive was a reef with a lot of live coral and abundant small to medium sized fish. second dive was a coral plateau - not much life, but some really interesting canyons, pillars, swim through, etc. Day 2 started on the wreck that was sunk there in 2001. It's in about 80-90 feet of water - pretty good visibility - interesting swim through - some jagged edges to rusted parts, tho. Scubaver was helpful and careful - good equipment (I rent) in good shape.
Hi Daniel, welcome to the board! I am very pleased to hear that you had a good diving experience in Veracruz. This is not such a well known site out of the Mexican borders...



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