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Reaction score
Somewhere where the sea is warm
# of dives
50 - 99
I'm gonna be in Vancouver starting Oct, could you let me know if it's worth it to dive at that period of the year? Is there a particular dive center to go to? :14:

awesome diving year round. so many sites by shore and boat. too many shops to list in Vancouver. My fav is Edge Diving in North Van and happens to be the closest shop to all the best sites.
Thanks Les, I'm so used to the warm seas that it will be my very first time in cold sea...! :D So you use a dry suit year round as well?
Hey Stephhhh,

Yes, it's definately worth it to dive here at that time of year! The diving is better here in the winter (because the visible tends to be better). Drysuits are preferably (well, I find mine essential... but I'm a big wuss), though some dive all year long in wetsuits.

As for dive shops, well, I'm a little biased (*cough* *cough*)
October is great for diving here!

I dive dry year round. The water is usually anywhere from about 46˚F to 56˚F, depending, averages around 50...but some dive in wet suits year round. You'll see most of us in dry suits though.

As for shops...well, there's tons. Edge Diving in North Van, Aqua Society out at UBC, Ocean Quest in Burnaby...the list goes on. There is no shortage of dive shops in vancouver. :)
I highly recommend a dry suit. If you haven't used one, you can take an orientation in the pool, then rent one. Well worth it to stay warm. :)

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