Uwatec Never Lost

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Reaction score
Southern Cal
# of dives
200 - 499
Thinking of purchasing a Uwatec Never Lost device, is anyone on this board using this device, if so, how would you rate this device? would you purchase them again if you have to do it all over again? thanks in advance.

I had one for a year or so. I sold it after my second warranty replacement. It worked so badly that I gave up on it. It is very unreliable. The direction finder isn't terrible, but it's not great either. The unit is very sensitive to the position of the transmitter, ie if its there's a current pushing the unit at an angle it won't work. The range finder just about never worked. My diver unit flooded twice; the o-ring design is really, really bad. It uses a thin face seal o-ring that is very hard to line up with a groove that barely holds it in place, and apparently not even barely all the time. You have no idea whether it is sealed right or not until it craps out on you.

Its just not worth the money for a high tech toy that is as unreliable as that. It is only a crutch for those who don't have the right skills, namely proper navigation. When that little electronic gadget stops working, which it does with alarming frequency, you are screwed. Rely on that big, free computer in your head to get you back to the boat. Take your money, buy a good compass, and spend the rest to get in the water and learn to do it yourself. Natural navigation is really easy and very effective once you learn to do it.

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