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I posted here before about an incident that happened to me on my very first dive before my cert. I basically got sucked into a wave and have felt a bit unsure about diving since. However, I've got all my gear and a really nice wetsuit I got for real a good deal. I was planning to join my school's diving club and have the luxury of using all the gear I can't afford for free basically. But I'm not even sure if I want to keep doing it. I have another hobby (cycling) that takes up a lot of my time (and money) and just don't know if it would be too much. I got certified early November of last year and probably need to take a refresher course. I guess what I'm really asking is if any of you have felt this way?
Very natural. Don't sweat it! Get back on the horse if you really liked diving. Take that refresher course you mentioned. Take an AOW course too. In almost 200 dives I have had two incidents that really spooked me BADLY and the only way I solved the issues was to talk to my buddy or an instructor and get back on the horse! Good luck! You will be just fine with a little practice! I think a little fear sometimes is a good thing in our sport. It reminds you to think before you act. That's what really makes a good diver IMHO. You are already on your way to being a good diver. You think and discuss before you act. Congrats!:D

I posted here before about an incident that happened to me on my very first dive before my cert. I basically got sucked into a wave and have felt a bit unsure about diving since. However, I've got all my gear and a really nice wetsuit I got for real a good deal. I was planning to join my school's diving club and have the luxury of using all the gear I can't afford for free basically. But I'm not even sure if I want to keep doing it. I have another hobby (cycling) that takes up a lot of my time (and money) and just don't know if it would be too much. I got certified early November of last year and probably need to take a refresher course. I guess what I'm really asking is if any of you have felt this way?

You had a really crappy first experience. Maybe a refresher course and some pool time will help but you'll still want to avoid any adventurous shore entries. Just take it slow and have fun with it!

At some point in our lives we all feel unsure of ourselves, regardless of what we do. It’s part of our developmental cycle and how we learn. I would be willing to bet that most, if not all, participants on this board have felt unsure of themselves at some point in their diving careers. The reason I say this is because diving is foreign to us. We were not meant to be in water, let alone comfortable in it. That’s not to say that some aren’t naturally more comfortable than others. Feeling sure of one’s self comes with experience and facing and handling adverse conditions – as you have done.

You’re still writing on this board because you want to be involved in scuba, you’re just looking for the support to get you motivated. Well here it is. There are 52,000 participants on this site behind you willing to offer advice and support.

As Scubadobadoo said “get back on the horse.” I promise you it’ll be more rewarding than any bike ride – don’t give up the biking though. If you give it a chance, diving will change your life. As others have said, get refreshed and put in some extra pool time to get comfortable in the water. Then do some easy open water dives. Take it slow.

Good luck and let the journey begin...again!

Let us know how it goes.....

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