underwater vehicle/scooter

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sydney, australia
To whom it may concern,

I am currently a final 4th year Industrial Design university student studying at the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia. The final year course extends over an 8 month period consisting primarily of a major research dissertation/thesis and a following design product.

I am proposing to focus the design towards a personal recreation underwater vehicle/scooter that will further enhance the freedom and flexibility of diving and underwater activities. The first semester of the course will involve a detailed research and analysis phase that will result towards the research dissertation/thesis. The knowledge and experience gained through this will provide relevant information to implement towards the design process and eventual product. The critical research and analysis phase involves an understanding of the following:

 Technology review
 Ergonomic/human factors
 Materials exploration and manufacturing liaison
 Component and assembly cost/sourcing
 Environmental and safety issues
 Product engineering
 Existing product range

In approaching you I have been informed by my university supervisor that I need to approach possible stakeholders who may be in a position to provide guidance towards my project; individuals who are able to provide professional experience and expertise towards the design project. The potential is to gain contact with relevant assistance throughout the 8 month period focussing on such aspects as:

 Water properties and hydrodynamics
 Vehicle propulsion, with a direct reference to free energy sources and self powering motion
 Breathing apparatus
 Buoyancy
 Safety and environmental considerations
 Noise and vibration
 Mechanical and electrical engineering
 Ergonomics/human factors
 Materials and waterproofing
 Lighting
 Water pressure, and its effect towards the product and humans
 Existing product range
 Existing marine life

Through this initial contact with supporting individuals I am looking to gain approval and positive support towards the final design project. In addition, if you were able to provide me with the names of alternative contacts or manufacturers in related fields would be greatly appreciated.

I am wanting to receive information regarding current marketing and sales, and am hoping through your professional knowledge that you may be able to provide information on current trends and potential for marketing and sales of a new personal recreation vehicle/scooter. One particular focus is the necessary equipment that a diver requires in relation to instrument displays and gauges. In addition, the operation and effects weight belts have, and how they can be controlled to change a divers depth.

I am hoping to hear from you in the near future and look forward to the potential of your support towards my design project. Further comments and suggestions are greatly welcomed.

With many thanks

John Panayotou
You may want to contact George Irvine. There may be contact info on his website www.wkpp.org

That is George Irvines scooter website. And it has his email on there also.

Good luck on your project.

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