Underwater Digital Processing...

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Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
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50 - 99
I was interested in learning a bit more about how to process underwater digital pics and found this site.


Anyone know of any other books or websites that deals with the problems associated with underwater digital photography?

That website has some good info on it.

You might want to check out a book about Photoshop Elements called
The Hidden Elements 2 The website also has alot of information on it.
I bought a book from Amazon called "digital imaging for the UW pgotographer" by Jack and Sue Drafahl.

It's based around using photoshop for enhancing UW photo's specifically and I've found it very useful as it uses PLAIN english. It also covers scanning and is more aimed at film users who want to use photoshop to enhance pics as opposed to digial users, although obviously the sample principles apply to both.

The book also covers using other programs for presentation, such as powerpoint etc.

The ISBN is : - 1-58428-061-1 Costs about USD39.95
I've seen the Drafahl's book and didn't find very much useful information in it. There were quite a few inconsistancies and not very much depth to it beyond the bare basics. The Drafahl's have several books out and none I've seen demonstrate true knowledge of the subject. Their books are way overpriced for the knowledge you get from them.

This is totally my opinion and after several looks, I decided to put that $40 on a book that really instructed.
Dee, will this book work for Photoshop. My wife already has the full program loaded so I don't want to purchase Elements--but I'm more than a little intimidated by Photoshop.
Actually, the book will help with Photoshop use. It looks at working on images in a different way that I sort-a developed between using both programs. I would be very interested to see how it works in reality for someone using Photoshop, and would be glad to help.

I'd also be interested in seeing some underwater images for use in my next book! There is a lot of interest in diving groups, and I'd like to try out some solutions to replacing some of that red light that disappears undert the waves...any volunteers?

I would love to see a book on processing underwater photos. What kind of photos are you looking for? I bet we've all got prime examples for you!

It's nice to have the author of the book willing to help with our questions and problems. Thank you, Richard.
Dee once bubbled...
You might want to check out a book about Photoshop Elements called
The Hidden Elements 2 The website also has alot of information on it.
Havn't decided if I want to buy Elements for the house, use the full up Photoshop available to me at work, or go with something called Gimp a bud is trying to talk me into.

Never fear. Which ever way I decide to go I was going to get a general reference book on whatever program I eventually settle on as well.

But what I was REALLY hopeing to find was something that specifically addressed the peculiarities of U/W digital. It would be great if it were written for a program I was familiar with, but would gladly settle for one that was written program neutral.

The mention by Dee of inconsistancies bothers me, but since 'bare basics' is where I'm at, I think I'll take a look at Drafahl's book. Thanks chippy for the lead.
DailyLunatic once bubbled...
The mention by Dee of inconsistancies bothers me, but since 'bare basics' is where I'm at, I think I'll take a look at Drafahl's book. Thanks chippy for the lead.

I hate to keep after this particular book but even the basics they covered wasn't exactly what I would recommend. I understood most of what they were describing but only because I already had a knowledge of it. I think it would be confusing to a rank beginner. But hopefully I'm wrong. :rolleyes: As a beginner, you can give us a review from your eyes.

You may also want to follow along with the discussions on Digital Diver Forum. Just like here on Scubaboard, one subject tend to lead to another and the info we're learning there from each other is amazing. Sometimes it's one of the "Duh, why didn't I think of that?" kind of things. Sometimes it almost a tutorial on how to correct the white balance in your photos. Check it out.

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