Typical size tanks

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10L (71 cuft, 68 cm/27"), 12L long (85 cuft, 76 cm/30"), 12L short (85 cuft, 60 cm/24").

I also see people carrying 15L tanks.

Most common doubles: 2x7L, 2x10L, 2x12L.
Haha thanks, I had a feeling you were going to answer my question.
12l is probably most common. 10l for some shallow diving, 15l for more of it.
In the UK about 90% of club divers have 15l tanks.

As the USA hasnt yet entered the 20th century yet alone 21st the sizes need conversion. Your Aluminium 80 tank full is roughly the same as a full 11l tank.
Most tanks in europe will be steel and pumped to 232 bar (3410psi).
What are the typical size tanks that are used here. In the states it is a 80 cu ft tank.

Typical in that what you get if you go to a dive centre ... by default will be a 12L 200 bar tank.
In most places they will be convertible valves ... DIN or Aclamp ..

Although all dive centres can supply 15Lit on request ... usually a 15Lit steel, (only ever had 15Lit Ally in Dahab.)

Many individual divers (i.e. not via a dive centre) will be using twins ... twin 10Lit are most common, usually in 232bar, you also see twin 7 lit ... in 220 or 300 bar.

I have never seen anything other than steel tanks used for twins. (but that may be just me)

As per other reply shape of tank varies ... I have 4 tanks at home, each one is different shape ... & colour ... standard, dumpy, tall etc.
I tried to do the conversions but wasn't sure if it meant liter or what. I think I will jsut stick with a 12L or 15L tank. I don't have my doubles wing here and only my single tank set up. Thanks for the information everyone. I hope to go diving this weekend if anyone is up to it.

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