Type of shark?

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about 7 years ago (i was 11) I was snorkeling in a very popular bay area of Catalina Island and off to the left about 100 yards away from the beach and everyone else right next to a rocky cliff shoreline were a bunch of sharks.

my brother father and i asked someone on shore if they attack humans (i forget if he said the type of shark) and they said no so we went to swim with them.

when we got back to shore a different person said they do attack humans if we bothered them during mating season, they might have said tiger shark but i am not sure.

I would estimate they were about 5-8 feet long, we were in pretty shallow water right next to the rocky shore in murkey water filled with tons of seaweed almost reaching the surface. i would say maybe 5 sharks

does anyone have a guess at what type of sharks these were based on the information i remember?
its really bothered me not knowing
does anyone have a guess at what type of sharks these were based on the information i remember?

You don't seem to remember any information relating to identifying characteristics.
My bet would be Leopard shark.
Generally harmless unless molested.
...if its where i was once upon a time, i hooked a shark while going for halibut. It fought like hell and was uglier than my ex-wife. I threw it back. It was brown (no spots) and about 4 ft.
This probably dont help you, but maybe so.
SoCal sharks can range from Blues, to Great Whites, to leopards, seven gills, Angel sharks, etc.....

Given the described conditions and area I would hazard a guess as leopard sharks or seven gill sharks.

Do you recall any identifying information at all? Were they very skittish when you approached (leopard)? Were they unconcerned? Do you recall if their dorsal fins were far back on the body (seven gill)?

Without more information it will be very difficult to say what you saw.
hahahaa i was on a boat. I couldnt see jack that for what was below me. I looked up pics of the 7gill, not it. Seen a lep before, not that either. If i remember this shark almost had an underbite. it didnt have the typical recessed lower jaw like the 7gill. it was brown and ugly. if i saw a picture i would probably be able to tell what it was...ill paroose the net and get back to you guys
i looked up pictures of the leopard shark and sevengill shark and i feel like if it was a leopard shark the people on the beach would have identified it easily.

it could have been a sevengill...

sorry i don't know more details, i know it was a long shot to guess.

thanks for the help
Next time, look for details - size and placement of dorsals (same size or front much larger than second, first over or behind pectoral), shape of tail, coloration, etc.

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