I bought a pile of used gear and selling off what I don't need.
There are two BC's in there. I know nothing about them, they should for sure be looked at by a professional.
First there is a Zeagle Stilleto (M). It appears to be in good shape, though cosmetically its seen better days. Its faded in spots and a little dusty. It also has an atomic SS1 attached. I am unable to test everything but either way gear like this should be serviced before use. I really don't know what it is worth so don't hesitate to make me an offer. Looking at other units (albiet in better condition). They seem to go for $300 to $400 without the SS1 alternate. I'm thinking $300 with the SS1. Make me an offer if you think I'm too high (or too low
) this is a strange on. I've never seen a BC like this before. I can only imagine that if you want to buy it is because you're curious about it, or you need parts for one you already own.
Its a Mares with a "hub system" and the airtrim feature as well (I forgot a photo of that). I can get it later. The hub system (I think this is what it is) has two hoses that stick out of the bc by the first stage. Then a hub that you connect the rest of the gear too behind the backplate inside the BC. It does make for some tighter hose routing, but I've never seen this before. The first stage apears to be specific to this BC, so I have regs for sale, but the first stage (not pictured) will go with the BC .
This isn't in the best shape cosmetically and I know so little about it I dont want to make any money on it. If you give me money for shipping it can be yours. I don't know what else to say. This thing is strange...I just hate throwing stuff away so I figured I'd put it out there.
There are two BC's in there. I know nothing about them, they should for sure be looked at by a professional.
First there is a Zeagle Stilleto (M). It appears to be in good shape, though cosmetically its seen better days. Its faded in spots and a little dusty. It also has an atomic SS1 attached. I am unable to test everything but either way gear like this should be serviced before use. I really don't know what it is worth so don't hesitate to make me an offer. Looking at other units (albiet in better condition). They seem to go for $300 to $400 without the SS1 alternate. I'm thinking $300 with the SS1. Make me an offer if you think I'm too high (or too low this is a strange on. I've never seen a BC like this before. I can only imagine that if you want to buy it is because you're curious about it, or you need parts for one you already own.
Its a Mares with a "hub system" and the airtrim feature as well (I forgot a photo of that). I can get it later. The hub system (I think this is what it is) has two hoses that stick out of the bc by the first stage. Then a hub that you connect the rest of the gear too behind the backplate inside the BC. It does make for some tighter hose routing, but I've never seen this before. The first stage apears to be specific to this BC, so I have regs for sale, but the first stage (not pictured) will go with the BC .
This isn't in the best shape cosmetically and I know so little about it I dont want to make any money on it. If you give me money for shipping it can be yours. I don't know what else to say. This thing is strange...I just hate throwing stuff away so I figured I'd put it out there.