Turneffe Resort-Best time to visit

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Hello. I am planning a dive trip for my husband's 40th birthday in 2012. Our dates are flexible and I'm leaning towards Turneffe Island Resort. When is the best time of year to go (for good vis, calm water, etc...)? Also, any comparisons between Turneffe and a live-aboard? At first we wanted a live-aboard, but the idea of a semi-private island is even more appealing.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
My wife and I went in March, and it was great. Great viz, fun folks. Best trip yet, and I can't wait to go again. I am tempted by Huracan diving tho, but I'll have a hard time booking another Belize trip that isn't to TIR.
From Undercurrent's seasonal dive planner:


The dry season runs from March through May. The most predictably good weather for diving is from April through June, when the winds are normally light. Hurricanes hit Belize an average of once every six years. Major hurricanes have hit in 1931, 1961, and 1978. During winter months (mainly December, January, and February), Belize is also subject to northers that blow down and disrupt diving for several days. Water temperature may dip as low as the 70s in the winter and reach as high as 85° in the summer.

I went to Turneffe in June, if I recall correctly. We had nice, breezy weather most of the week. We had a pretty fierce storm one night, after which the wind died down and the flies were fierce. If you forget to bring DEET they will have some to sell you. You will love the Turneffe Resort. The diving will be good, and perhaps very good, depending on the current at The Elbow, mostly, which is a five-minute skiff ride from the pier. It's a nothing dive without current, and a very good one when the current picks up.

I think the diving off, say, the Aggressor is better, on average, but you will take a trip out to the Blue Hole and Lighthouse Reef, so there is quite a bit of overlap. My fiancee and I found the island relaxing, a little romantic, and nicely secluded, wth just as much contact with the other guests as you desire (but meals are communal).
We just booked our third trip to Turneffe... a first for us. We have been going there in March. The weather was great both times, although we found it a little chilly. I think diving from the open boats contributes to this!

You'll love Turneffe. If you read my trip report here, you will see I compared it to a liveaboard, although only in its remoteness. I haven't been on a liveaboard in a few years, but Mrs Stoo and I are on the T+C Explorer in a couple of weeks, so maybe I can update this comparison when we return.

The "vib" of TIR is hard to beat. Like I said, this is the first and only resort we have returned to three times...
Thanks for the advice! I was leaning towards April or May, so it sounds like I'm on the right track. I'd heard that the seas in Belize can be rough and I want to avoid that as best I can. Also, has anyone stayed with Huracan Divers? They seem more rustic than TIR, but are quite a bit cheaper and I'm trying to find a comparison. Thanks again.
I was in Belize in both March and August (last week) of this year. I did not stay at Turneffe, but stayed at St. George's Caye. During the March trip I dove primarily closer to St. George's Caye (not terribly far from Turneffe) and last week we dove both at St. George's Caye and at Turneffe. The visibility was much better in March and the bugs were not as much of a nuisance. Last week visibility was pretty poor (as Stoo reported also in a separate report), but the visibility was better at Turneffe than in St. George's Caye. Also, last week the biting bugs were nearly unbearable when the breeze died down and we also had a minor infestation of termites in our cabana (which we were told is seasonal). All in all, although I haven fallen in love with Belize, I think I will avoid August trips in the future.

That said, we also spent a few days doing jungle stuff near San Ignasio and that was really pleasant in August. I highly recommend a visit to the ATM cave. One of the coolest things I have ever done.
Here in San Pedro many people are saying it is the hottest summer they can remember. Certainly that's true for me. Water clarity hasn't been good on any dive I've made over the past month or two, both locally and out at Lighthouse. An entirely natural phenomenon, with lots pf plankton in the water.
Thanks for all the advice. Just booked TIR for late April/early May. This should be a great birthday present for my hubbie!!!

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